- The body becomes a veritable 'dojo', an actual training space. 身体成为一个确实的‘道场’,实际训练空间。
- However, in the actual training there is an obvious counterforce which is often neglected, but should be carefully considered in the same time. 但实际训练中明显存在的反作用力,常常被人们忽视,我们必须加以认真研究。
- A data set of DMMP (dimethyl methylphosphonate) infrared spectra is used to perform the actual training and discrimination performence prediction of this classifier. 训练结果表明,这种分类器在一定条件下可以将95%25以上的样本正确分离;
- Well, I'm a Flight Attendant, and I'm also an instructor at the Training Center, so right now I'm actually training new flight attendants. 嗯,我是一名空姐,而且我也是培训中心的教师,所以现在我实际上在培训新加入的空乘人员。
- On the basis of analyzing the working theory of gateway,the design of hardware,USB driver,firmware and communication program of Neuron chip are presented. And an example of actualizing train gating system by gateway is given. 在分析了网关工作原理的基础上,给出了硬件设计、USB驱动程序设计、固件设计及Neuron芯片的通信程序设计,并给出了一个用该网关实现列车门控系统的实例。
- Hard training will fit them to run long distances. 严格的训练将使他们能跑长距离。
- She earned her place in the team by training hard. 她由于刻苦训练而在队里取得了地位。
- The actual operation lasted eight hours. 实际手术进行了8个钟头。
- I need the actual figures, not an estimate. 我需要确实的数字,不要估计的。
- Subtract them, and America “actually trains more engineers per capita than either India or China does. 减去他们,美国“实际上列车更多的工程师,人均比印度或中国,是否”。
- I have to admit that we need further training. 我得承认,我们还需要进一步培养。
- It has proved of great assistance in such training. 事实证明,在这类训练中,它很有好处。
- The actual labour force numbered20820. 实际劳动力有20820人。
- The amount by which actual costs exceed estimates. 超出费用实际费用超过预计费用量
- I've had some training in cooking. 我受过些烹饪训练。
- What he told us was an actual happening. 他告诉我们的是一件真实事情。
- The job does not require any formal training. 做这种工作不需要任何正规训练。
- Even worse, a number of scholars contend that indentifying Seigen as Kojiro's teacher is a mistake, and that he was actually trained by a student of Seigen's, Kanemaki Jisai. 更有甚者,有人提出把势源认为是小次郎师父的推论是错误的,小次郎实际上是受到了势源的弟子钟卷自斋的教导。于是关于小次郎年龄的研究面临着重重迷雾。
- They finished the preparatory training. 他们完成了预备训练。
- He pleaded guilty to assault occasion actual bodily harm. 他供认了引起实际身体伤害的侵犯人身罪。