- Acronicta herculesn. 榆剑纹夜蛾
- What did Pain and Panic give Hercules to drink? 佩恩和佩尼克给赫尔克里斯喝了什么东西?
- Hercules we not beget in one night. 英雄不是一个晚上造就的。
- Hercules stood alone in strength. 赫尔克里斯力大无比。
- Do you like Hercules? Why or Why not? 你喜欢大力士赫尔克里斯吗?为什么?
- To the Romans they were Hercules and Apollo. 他们对罗马、阿波罗大力士。
- Did Hercules defeat the bad Hades? 赫尔克里斯打败坏蛋哈德斯了吗?
- The many-headed monster that was slain by Hercules. 九头蛇怪赫克勒斯所杀死的一个多头怪物
- Ants are hercules of the nature. 什么是自然界中的大力士?
- I will follow you even to the Pillars of Hercules. 我将追随你到天涯海角.
- A monster with three bodies that was slain by Hercules. 格里勇被海格立斯杀死的有三个身体的怪兽
- The great Greek hero Hercules eventually freed Prometheus. 最后是伟大的希腊英雄海克力斯拯救了普罗米修斯。
- What was the only way for Hercules to become a god again? 赫尔克里斯再次变成神的唯一办法是什么呢?
- She attempted in many ways, to kill Hercules as a baby. 在赫尔克里斯还是个婴儿时,赫拉就使用了很多方法要杀死他。
- The wise centaur who tutored Achilles, Hercules, and Asclepius. 喀戎博多学智的半人半马怪物,曾是阿喀琉斯、赫耳墨斯和阿斯克勒庇俄斯的老师
- Another myth involved Hercules, the mythical strong man. 另一个神话是有关赫尔克里斯的,一个神话中的大力士。
- Did Hercules know how to control his great strength?What happened? 赫尔克里斯知道怎么控制自己的大力气吗?发生了什么事?
- A Greek hero who killed Paris and the son of Hercules. 菲罗克忒忒斯:希腊英雄,杀死特洛伊王子帕里斯的人,是大力神赫拉克勒斯的儿子。
- The many - headed monster that was slain by Hercules. 九头蛇怪赫克勒斯所杀死的一个多头怪物
- Did Hercules know how to control his great strength? What happened? 赫尔克里斯知道怎么控制自己的大力气吗?发生了什么事?