- Acrimonium stricture of maize 玉米黑束病
- The life cycle of maize is that of a typical angiosperm. 玉米的生活史是被子植物中比较典型的。
- The harvest of maize, the local staple food, was meagre this year. 今年津巴布韦的玉米收成与主粮极为贫乏。
- Biocontrol of maize sheath blight with Trichoderma spp. 木霉对玉米纹枯病的生物防治。
- The mother of Xiaohua prefers steamed bread made of maize flour. 小华的妈妈最喜欢吃玉米面做的馒头了。
- Treatment of severe carcinous stricture of cardia with radiofrequency and self-expanding metal stent under endoscopy. 内镜下射频联合记忆合金支架治疗食管贲门重度癌性狭窄效果观察。
- This 3 month old child died with extrahepatic biliary atresia, a disease in which there is inflammation with stricture of hepatic or common bile ducts. 肝外胆道闭锁为肝脏或胆总管的狭窄与炎症,这是一例死于肝外胆道闭锁的3个月婴儿。
- Conclusion Myofibroblast was the main cause for scar contracture and stricture of bile duct. 结论肌成纤维细胞是导致胆道瘢痕性挛缩和管腔狭窄的主要原因。
- Application of Isonucleus ang Isocytoplasmic Lines in the Study of Maize CMS. 玉米同核同质系在研究细胞质雄性不育中的应用。
- How should be stricture of congenital head blood-vessel treated? Hemal intervening operation how many money? 先天性脑血管狭窄该如何治疗?血管介入手术多少钱?
- Considerations on isolation questions of maize seed production in Jiuquan? 对酒泉玉米制种隔离问题的思考?
- It overcomes the stricture of Mac Neille and suppresses the reflection peak of P-polarized light. 介绍了调节有效导纳值的膜层置换法,可有效抑制P光的反射峰。
- Characteristics and Cultivation Techniques of Maize Hybrid'Jidan No. 玉米杂交种济单八号的品种特性及配套栽培技术。
- Mathematical description and three-dimensional reconstruction of maize canopy. 玉米冠层的数学描述与三维重建研究。
- The granule property of maize starch underwent little change after HMT. 摘要湿热处理前后玉米淀粉的颗粒形貌基本未发生变化。
- The ballon dilation for mild ring-like hilar stricture of bile duct is valide but not for hilar tubular stricture of secondary sclerosing cholangitis. 气囊扩张虽对轻度环形狭窄有良效,但继发性硬化性胆管炎伴肝门管状狭窄气囊扩张疗效欠佳。
- The mutating extent of maize ear in M2 generation was greater than in control. M2代果穗各性状的变异程度大都显著高于对照。
- Objective To investigate the use of the endotracheal silicone stent with silver wire in repair of stricture of laryngotrachea. 目的观察银丝固定硅胶扩张管在喉气管狭窄修复重建术中的应用。
- But only one kind causes the most severe form of maize streak disease. 但是,这次的病菌是玉米侵害病菌中引发后果最严重的一种。
- Modified Pull-through urethroplasty was performed during last 10 years for 100 pertients with stricture of posteior urethra. 1988年以来用改进的尿道套入术治疗外伤性后尿道狭窄100例。