- Acquisition Executive Service 采购实施工作
- Specifies a system executer service. 指定系统执行服务。
- In September, the International Executive Service Corps paid for Abe Mirza to travel to West Africa. 他在因特网上找到了一个经济发展组织,国际执行服务公司。
- This brought considerable benefits to the CEO and senior managers of WorldCom through a stock option mechanism called Executive Service Option (ESO). 世通的CEO及高管人员通过ESO制度,即高层经理人员股票期权制度,获得了个人丰厚的报酬。
- Defense Acquisition Executive Summary 国防采购执行官综合报告
- NCR Service Management provides a Service Management Office (SMO), led by an Executive Service Manager (ESM), to deliver functional, single point of accountability for your IT environment. NCR服务管理提供了Service Management Office(SMO,服务管理部),由Executive Service Manager(ESM,服务管理总监)领导,来为您的IT环境提供实用的单一责任点。
- Special Operations Acquisition Executive 特种作战截获执行者
- Acquisition Executive Management Report 采购执行管理报告
- The business unit here is mainly the Headhunting Services Outplacement Services Executive Services and the Recruitment Technology Training Program. 该业务单元主要是猎头服务、人才安置服务、高级人才服务、招聘技术课程。
- United States Senior Executive Service 美国高级行政人员制度
- British Executive Service Oversea 英国海外执行局
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帐单上包括了百分之十的服务费。
- The typewriter is at your service. 这台打字机随便你使用。
- Canadian Executive Service Overseas 加拿大海外行政勤务
- China International Procurement Execution Service Provider is affiliated to Beijing East Zhongtian Precision Machinery Factory. 中国国际采购执行服务商,隶属于北京东方中天精密机械厂。
- The chocolate factory is his latest acquisition. 该巧克力工厂是他最近购买的。
- The school has a valuable new acquisition. 学校里来了个生力军。
- The President of the US is the chief executive. 美国总统是最高行政长官。
- Component Acquisition Executives 部件获得执行官
- Bill is chairman of the executive committee. 比尔是执行委员会主席。