- Acherontia styxn. 芝麻鬼脸天蛾
- The patient is waiting to cross the Styx. 这个病人已经在等死了。
- The river Styx divides the level into two main regions. 冥河将这一地域分割为两大部分。
- Swimming the Styx: Gain swim speed and ability to breathe water. 冥河之泳:获得游泳速度和水下呼吸能力。
- The ferryman who conveyed the dead to Hades over the river Styx. 卡戎送亡魂过冥河去阴间的神
- Jove gives his promise, and confirms it with the irrevocable oath, attesting the river Styx, terrible to the gods themselves. 朱庇特应允了,还发誓绝不食言,且指定冥河斯提克斯——众神听了都要发抖的名字——做他的监誓人。
- This trip through Styx is not just a scenic walk through the park. 穿越冥河的旅程将不仅是在黑暗世界的一次风景旅游。
- Still, the Styx is useful for travel from plane to plane. 同时,冥河对于位面间的旅行却起着极大的帮助作用。
- Danny Gokey and Kris Allen performed "Renegade" by Styx. 丹尼-高奇和克里斯阿伦表演了“离经叛道”。
- As the god had sworn by the Styx there was no going back on his word. 因太阳神已在河边发过誓,一言既出、驷马难追。
- Even the slate grey stone ground is dry and cracked despite being in close proximity to the river Styx. 就连灰色石板路面都是干燥破裂的,同冥河很接近。
- Holding onto Achilles' heel, Thetis dipped her son in the River Styx to make him invincible to weapons. 她双手紧抓著阿基里斯的脚跟,将儿子的身体浸泡在冥河之中,好让他全身刀枪不入。
- Styx (2nd River) - The river across which the souls of the dead are ferried, one of the five rivers in Hades. 第四狱-黑暗的沼泽(愤怒者)-不满及愤怒的罪人在这里互相沉论。
- The fresh shade, on the path to judgment, steps out of the marshes of the Styx into the City of Lost Souls. 那些新鲜的幽魂,在他们前往审判前,将从冥河的沼泽进入失落灵魂之城。
- Then he took an oath by the Styx , ready to give help according to the boy's request. 然而令他惊讶的是:儿子原来是想驾驶他那带有火焰的战车。
- No one knows where it rises and no one knows where it ends, but all the Lower Planes know the River Styx. 虽然所有低层位面的生物都知道冥河,但却无人能说出它的发源地与它的尽头。
- Another version of the myth has Thetis attempting to protect her infant by dipping him in the river Styx. 阿奇里斯也是命中注定战死沙场。在一场攻城战里,阿奇里斯领军逼近城墙,帕里斯在城上引弓一箭射向他。
- The stuffy wind is blowing round the Styx River,blowing the Hell Door open,blowing through the Dark Hurricane Valley. 令人窒息的风拂过阿格龙河;吹开地狱之门;掠过黑色疾风谷.
- They would seek passage across the great river Styx before moving into Hades, where they would eventually be judged. 他们将在进入地狱前寻找一条渡过冥河Styx的路线,在那里,他们将遭受最终的审判。
- His father bade him approach and swore by the river Styx that whatever proof he might ask should be granted. 那青年答道:“我请求你给我一些凭证以向人们证明我确实是你的儿子。”