- The best plant growth regulator to increase seedling drought-resistance was PP333+6-BA, 6-BA was better for Acer mono Maxim, and Cotinus Coggyia (Royal purple). 6-BA、PP333+6-BA、CCC+6-BA组合处理提高了植物叶片的IAA含量及IAA/ABA值,内源IAA含量的提高及IAA/ABA值的提高有助于保持叶片气孔的开度、维持较高的光合作用,在干旱症状较轻时利于抗旱;
- Acer mono Maxim. 五角枫
- Acer mono Maxim, subsp. glabrum( Levl. et Vant.) 毛萼色木槭(亚种)(subsp.;glabrum(Levl
- g. Acer mono Maxim subsp. glaucum(Koidz.) 粉绿色木槭(亚种)(subsp.;glaucum(Koidz
- ,Acer mono Maxim, and Malus baccata(L.)Borkh. )、色木槭(AcermonoMaxim.;)、山丁子(Malusbaccata
- Under the stress of Cd2+, Acer mono Maxim was the most sensitive, followed by Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim and Malus bacata Borkh, Acer ginnala Maxim was least; Pb2000处理下,变化最大的仍为五角槭(5.;7%25),其次为山梨(5
- Keywords Abies faxoniana;Acer mono Maxim;Antioxidant enzymes;Nitrogen supply;Photosynthesis;Picea asperata;Proline;Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak;UV-B absorbing compounds;UV-B radiation; 光合;红椋子;抗氧化酶;冷杉;氮供应;脯氨酸;色木槭;UV-B辐射;UV-B吸收物质;云杉;
- The main plant are Ulmus pumila and Celtis bengeana community, Acer mono and Quercus mongolica community. 天然残存林植被,主要为榆树、小叶朴群落和色木、蒙古柞群落。
- Application of wavelet packet analysis and BP ANN in diagnosing the hole defects in Acer mono wood using ultrasonic quantitative testing. 小波和神经网络在色木孔洞缺陷超声定量检测中的应用
- Spatial patterns of main woody plant populations are aggregative, Ulmus macrocarpa, Acer mono, Ulmus pumila populations in some communities are random. 主要木本植物种群的分布格局大多为集群型,只有部分群落中大果榆、色木槭及家榆种群为随机分布。
- Phellodendron amurense,Fraxinus mandshurica,Acer mono and Ulmus propinqua can be chosed as broad-leaved ones to be planted together with Larix gmelini. 结果表明,加大阔叶树的比例,有利于提高其林下生物多样性指数。
- The results showed that seeds of Acer mono and A. triflorum underwent mature desiccation, but they didn't obtain enough desiccation tolerance. 结果表明,色木槭和拧筋槭种子虽经历了成熟脱水,但种子仍不耐脱水;
- Stand density was reduced from 404 to 387 stem/hm 2,and basal area from 44 83 to 43 79 hm 2.All species in high canopy layer except Acer mono decreased in number of stems. 林分密度从404株/hm2降至387株/hm2,而基础面积从44.;83hm2降至43
- The seed density of climax species such as Pinus koraiensis, Abies nephrolepis, and Acer mono increased, whereas that of Maackia amurensis and Fraxinus mandshurica decreased. 红松、臭松和色木槭等顶极种的种子密度逐渐增大,山槐、水曲柳等树种的种子密度逐步降低;
- Salicylic acid(SA) in the leaves of Acer mono was detected by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography(RP-HPLC) after the tissues were pretreated. 以五角枫叶片为实验材料,经预处理后用反相高效液相色谱测定了植物组织中水杨酸的含量。
- The regeneration trait of logging gaps in relation to sizes and ages in secondary broad-leaved forest which was predominated by Tilia amurensis, Acer mono and Quercus mongolica in Changbai Mountain was studied. 摘要从林隙大小和林隙年龄两个方面研究了以锻树、色木械和蒙古栎为主的次生阔叶林经营采伐形成的林隙及其更新特征。
- The maximum of broadleaf trees such as Rhus typhina, Robina pseudoacacia, Acer mono, Amorpha fruticcosa reached as high as 50.18 g/h,43.67 g/h,46.267 g/h and 43.73 g/h respectively. 阔叶树种中;火炬树(Rhus typhina)、刺槐(Robina pseudoacacia)、元宝枫(Acer mono)、紫穗槐(Amorpha fruticcosa)耗水速率的最大值分别达50.;18、43
- "Waste not, want not" is her favorite maxim. “不浪费则不匮乏”是她特别喜爱的格言。
- A primary report on softwood cutting test of Acer mono 色木槭嫩枝扦插试验初报
- "Waste not, want not" is a popular maxim. "勤俭节约,吃穿不缺"是一条盛行的座右铭。