- Accounting law regulations 会计法律规范
- All accounting processes must be in conformity with the accounting law. 1·所有单位之会计处理皆依照会计法。
- What does the Criminal Law Regulate? 刑法的调整对象?
- In the third section, penman seriously review the system of law regulations on related corporate restructuring, then seek the lack. 第五章为第三部分,笔者将对对现有关联重组法律规制体系进行细致的考察,指出现有法律法规所存在的不足之处。
- The accounting law has offered the mandatory norm for accounting activity of small and medium-sized enterprises. 会计法律为中小企业会计活动提供了强制性的规范。
- The revision of Accounting Law is a great event in the accounting reform of our country. 《会计法》的修订是我国会计改革的一件大事。
- The Accounting Law revised has come into force recent ly since July 1 st this Year. 新修订的《会计法》已于今年7月1日正式实施了。
- During this process, the notary will mold the actor"s action previously according to the behavior model directly by law regulations and legislative intents. 是直接根据法律规范、立法意图,预先建构行为模型,在公证过程中直接用此模型来塑造行为人的行为,而不是对行为人行为的纠偏。
- Will this disputation be solved by the accountant law protocol? 依会计师法修正草案之规定,是否能有效解决此争议?
- History has entrusted to the amended Accounting Law the tasks of improving and amplifying accounting supervision system. 会计监督体系的健全与创新是新《会计法》赋予的历史使命。
- The Government encourages late marriage and late childbearing,and advocates the practice of " one couple,one child" and of "having a second child with proper spacing in accordance with the law regulations". 国家鼓励晚婚晚育,提倡一对夫妻生育一个子女,并依照法律法规合理安排生育第二个子女。
- Carrying out the new accounting law wll help to further standardize accounting activities and to thoroughly cure the distortion of accounting information. 认真贯彻实施新《会计法》将有利于进一步规范会计行为 ,彻底解决会计信息失真问题。
- There are objective reasons for the law regulates this kind of circs. 法院受理了该类案件,最后又予以驳回,也有着自身的原因。
- The current law regulating copyrights is the Copyright Act of 1976, as amended. 目前规范著作权的法律是1976年著作权法修订案。
- The Government encourages late marriage and late childbearing, and advocates the practice of " one couple, one child" and of "having a second child with proper spacing in accordance with the law regulations". 国家鼓励晚婚晚育,提倡一对夫妻生育一个子女,并依照法律法规合理安排生育第二个子女。
- Recent changes to accounting laws to thin down mark-to-market accounting rules will provide some splashy headlines. 尽管高盛集团公布了好于预期的财报并使市场的信心 有所改善,但市场的反响似乎还有所保留。
- The application is conditional, that is, it might be practicable, in case of lacking legal evidence or disagreeing with each other by lawful regulations. 法院适用宪法是有条件的,法院应在缺乏其他法律依据或法律规范之间存在矛盾时适用宪法。
- So can America's landmark Depression-era securities and accounting laws, which still shape the world of finance. 构造了世界金融框架的产生于美国的大萧条时代的标志性的证券和会计法如此;
- The person in charge is specified as the number-one responsible for the accounting and his accounting responsibility and accounting legal responsibility are laid stress on in the new "Accounting Law". 新《会计法》将单位负责人明确列为本单位会计工作的第一责任人,突出了单位负责人的会计责任和会计法律责任。
- One aim of the legislation is to encompass in one Act all the Law regulating companies. 立法的目的之一就是把所有规定公司的法律合为一部法律。