- Account Processing Code 账目处理代码
- Account process of investment to outside is discussed in the paper. 本文就“对外投资”的帐务处理作了一些探讨。
- Learn accounting processing and programing etc. 学习会计流程、项目等方面工作。
- However, learning to write efficient NCL data processing code requires a fair amount of understanding of the language. 然而,学习写高效的NCL数据处理代码要求一定数量上清晰的理解这门语言。
- Have common knowledge of accounting process. 对会计流程有基本了解。
- They do this because XML processing code that uses XQuery implemented as byte-code is more efficient in throughput and lines-of-code than using Java objects. 这样做是因为与使用Java对象相比,使用XQuery字节码实现的XML处理代码的吞吐量更大,代码更短。
- A microcontroller with flash memory 89C51RD2 is introduced in the system, the download of the process code is extremely convenient. 在硬件的设计中引入了包含FLASH闪存单片机89C51RD2的设计,实现了对闪存的读写访问,完成对加工代码下传工作。
- Demo the application of conversion cartesian coordinate using in the design and account process. 演示了坐标变换法在转向机构设计中的应用。
- The paper presents a few ways of sorting in C language in basic thought、sorting process、code realization and comparison etc. 介绍了C语言几种常用的排序方法的基本思想、排序过程、代码实现以及分析比较。
- The procession code program of NC punch press is the key to NC-machining. 数控冲床的加工代码程序,是数控加工的关键所在。
- Purely an accounting process (rather than moving dollars to payables, it transfers it to a consignment account). 单纯的会计处理(而不是移动美元,以应付帐款,它转移到一个寄售帐户) 。
- Chinese modern payment system include four sub-system, huge value payment system(HVPS) and batch payment system(BEPS) account process system(SAPS) payment information manage system(PIMS). 现代化支付系统分为大额实时支付系统、小额批量支付系统、清算账户管理系统和支付管理信息系统四个业务处理系统。
- By maintaining the previously processed code value, the framework can detect the double-click event with synchronized user requests. 通过维护以前处理的代码值,这个框架可以用同步的用户请求探测双击事件。
- Shows an easy, resource efficient way to construct a dynamic graphical tool bar which outlines a button when moved over and processes code when clicked on. 展示了用一种方便的资源有效的途径来创建一个动态的图形化的工具条,在鼠标掠过时显现一个按钮,在点击时处理代码。
- The subdivision of the accounting process that produces these external reports is referred to as financial accounting . 会计过程中形成的这类对外报告的分支,称为财务会计。
- Do not part with the shares on any account. 无论如何不要放弃这些股票。
- As a result of goodwill particularity, In accountant, goodwill arising on acquisition in recognition and accountant processing to have many arguments. 由于商誉的特殊性,在会计界,对于外购商誉的确认与会计处理上始终存在诸多争论。
- All accounting processes must be in conformity with the accounting law. 1·所有单位之会计处理皆依照会计法。
- The subdivision of the accounting process that produces these external reports is referred to as financial accounting. 会计工作过程中形成这类对外报告的分支,被称为财务会计。
- She gave the true account of what had happened. 她如实地讲述了发生的事情。