- China's accession to WTO marks a new stage in in its reform and opening-up. 中国加入世贸组织标志着中国的改革开放进入了新的发展阶段。
- I think that it is a great chance for my company to come into China after its accession to WTO. 我认为这是中国加入世贸后我公司进驻的大好机会。
- Influence on International Financing for Domestic Projects by the Accession to WTO. 入世对我国项目国际融资的影响。
- Since the accession to WTO, the higher vocational and technical education has to face new challenge and chances. 摘要加入WTO后,我国高等职业教育面临著新的挑战和机遇。
- I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to brief you on China's accession to WTO and participation in economic globalization. 借此机会,我愿意向各位朋友介绍中国加入世贸组织和参与经济全球化的有关情况。
- Therefore, in 2001 the Shenzhen Bo meeting, the accession to WTO Security on the profession to become a hot topic of discussion and focus attention. 因此,在2001年深圳安博会上,加入WTO,就成为安防界人士议论的热门话题和焦点关注。
- With her accession to WTO and interconnecting with global economy, China has emerged as an inseparable part of the world. 在加入世界贸易组织与世界经济接轨的情况下,中国的发展是世界发展的一部分。
- Telecom needs to provide more convenient and timely customer service to adapt to competition between Telecoms after China's accession to WTO. 为了全面适应中国加入WTO后电信行业面临的竞争,电信公司需要提供快捷到位的客户服务。
- With China's accession to WTO, the work of ideaistic and political education to college students is facing positive situations as well as serious challenges. 我国加入世贸组织后高校思想政治工作面临着许多有利的形势,同时也面临着严峻的挑战,我们必须开拓新的领域,加强和改进高校思想政治工作。
- China's International Trade Strategy after its Access to WTO:Comparative Advantage or Selective Surpassing? 入世后中国的贸易战略:比较优势还是选择性赶超?
- Increased trade has been a major contributor to your country's phenomenal growth tare since the'open door'policy was launched in 1978,and accession to WTO can only accelerate the process. 从贵国在1978年实施对外开放政策以来,贸易额增加已成为实现中国经济惊人增长的主要因素。加入WTO只能加速这一进程。
- During this time, its market access was at the whim of trading partners and it had no access to WTO negotiations and the dispute settlement process. 在那段时期,中国能否进入贸易伙伴的市场,取决于对方的单方面决定,中国无权参与世贸组织谈判,也无权利用其争端解决程序。
- As China deepens its reforms and opens wider to the world, particularly after China's accession to WTO, economic and trade ties is playing an more important role in sino-US relations. 随着中国深入改革和扩大开放进程的发展,特别是中国加入世界贸易组织后,经贸关系在中美关系发展中发挥更大的作用。
- Increased trade has been a major contributor to your country's phenomenal growth tare since the 'open door'policy was launched in 1978,and accession to WTO can only accelerate the process. 从贵国在1978年实施对外开放政策以来,贸易额增加已成为实现中国经济惊人增长的主要因素。 加入WTO只能加速这一进程。
- He noted that as the process of China's accession to WTO is quickening,China will take an ever more active part in the process of eco-nomic globalization in a still more broad range of endeavors. 他表示,随着加入WTO的进程加快,中国将以更加积极的姿态,在更为广泛的领域,参与经济全球化的进程。
- China's accession to WTO, the traditional banking sector will face a new round of competition and the scope of new business expansion, network creation and development banks is the general trend. 我国加入WTO后,传统银行业将面临新一轮的竞争以及新的业务范围的扩展,网络银行的创建和发展是大势所趋。
- Especially after China‘s accession to WTO and integration with the global economy, this issue comes to spotlight under the backdrop of instituting and optimizing modern enterprise system. 特别在中国加入市贸,融入全球经济之后,在建立和完善现代企业制度的背景下,这个问题尤显重要。
- Students must have access to a good library. 学生要有使用好图书馆的便利条件。
- He was denied access to the Queen. 他未被准许接近女王。
- Since China's access to WTO, our farm products are frequently frustrated by green technical barriers in export trade, with the apple and apple juice concentrate (AJC) included. 入世以来,中国农产品出口不断受到“绿色贸易壁垒”的阻碍,苹果及苹果浓缩汁(AJC)的出口也不例外。