- Acanthochlamys bracteata 芒苞草
- Mucuna bracteata - Research article on the use of Mucuna bracteata as a cover plant in Malaysian palm plantations. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- The complete sequencing of ITS of Abies bracteata showed that the shorter type is 1 697 bp (ITS1 is 1 296 bp, 5.8S +ITS2 is 401 bp). bracteata (D .;DonNutt
- The branches ofAtraphaxis bracteata var. latifolia grew erectly;the branches ofAtraphaxis bracteata var. latifolia were vinelike, hang down or lodfing. 沙木寥的枝干直立生长,而宽叶沙木寥的枝条呈藤本状,下垂或倒伏生长。
- Rosa bracteata Wendl. 硕苞蔷薇
- Atraphaxis bracteata . 沙木蓼
- Melaleuca bracteata F. Muell. 黄金香柳
- Atraphaxis bracteata vat. latifolia 宽叶沙木蓼
- Trichosanthes bracteata(Lam.)Voigy 大苞栝楼
- Keywords Rosa bracteata Wendl.;fisetin;iron overloaded; 硕苞蔷薇;漆黄素;铁超载;
- Keywords Hairy root,Agrobacterium rhizogenes,Trichosanthes bracteata Voigt,Transformation,Mechanism; 发根;发根农杆菌;大苞栝楼;转化;机理;
- Keywords Rosa bracteata Wendl;(+) Catechin;Fisetin;Blood lipids;Iron overloaded; 关键词硕苞蔷薇;(+)-儿茶素;漆黄素;铁超载;血脂;
- Keywords Rosa bracteata var. bracteata;5-Hydroxymethyl furfural;5-Acetoxymethyl furfural; 硕苞蔷薇;5-羟甲基糠醛;5-乙酰氧基糠醛;
- Sect. 1. Acanthochlamysn. 刺榛组
- Hypoxis Acanthochlamysn. 芒苞草属
- Acamth bracteatan. 芒苞草
- Sect. Bracteatan. 南烛组
- Alpinia bracteatan. 绿苞山姜
- Atraphaxis bracteatan. 沙木蓼
- Baolia bracteatan. 苞藜