- Abutilon striatumn. 金铃花
- Study on extraction and charateristics of red pigment from Abutilon striatums 灯笼花色素的提取及其理化性质
- Increase in 5-HIAA levels in the striatum was also observed. 纹状体内的5-HIAA含量亦有明显升高。
- It can also decrease the content of 5-HIAA in rat striatum. 2 Hz电针还可以降低强迫游泳大鼠纹状体 5-HIAA 含量?
- The corpus striatum of Onychodactylus fischeri is paleostriatum. 爪鲵的纹状体属于古纹状体。
- It appears that the plant is called abutilon, or Chinese Lantern. It is a twiggy and lanky plant but the flowers are prolific. 看起来这种植物是青麻或称中国灯笼;是种枝干细长但多花的植物.
- Allelopathy of Trifolium repens L. On Abutilon theophrasti Medic. And Echinochloa crusgalli L. 白三叶草对苘麻和稗草的化感作用。
- Definition: Chingma Abutilon Seed is the dried ripe seed of Abutilon theophrastii Medic. (Fam.Malvaceae). 本品为锦葵科植物苘麻 Abutilon theophrastii Medic.;的干燥成熟种子。
- The herb sold as dong kui zi in Taiwan is mainly the seed of qing ma (Abutilon theophrasti Medic) . 台湾市售之冬葵子药材均为苘麻的种子。
- Interestingly, the ventral striatum also perked up if a plug-ugly person gazed to one side, rather than looked at the volunteer right in the eyes. 有趣的是,如果照片中是一个相貌很丑的人眼睛望着别处,而不是直视实验者,那么前部纹状体同样会有明显的反应。
- Abutilon megapotamicum 'Chinese Lantern', USDA zone 8 - 10, need winter protection. 选小灯笼的那种; 大灯笼的hybrids不吸引蜂鸟.
- Activity in the ventral striatum surged, in an apparent sign of the sexual appetite being sharpened. 前部纹状体的活动迅速增强,这意味着性欲的加强。
- Striatum specific uptake of ~99mTc-TRODAT-1 was calculated according to the ratio of stratum(ST) and cerebellum(CB). 计算纹状体(ST)/小脑(CB)比值来反映纹状体内dat特异性结合TROdat-1的量。
- Effects of Heat Stress on DA Mediated PI Signal Transduction System in Rat Striatum. 热应激对大鼠纹状体多巴胺介导的磷脂酰肌醇信号系统的影响。
- A kind of image analysis system is used to investigate the structural features of the traditional handmade papers made from Kenaf and Abutilon. 使用图象分析技术对传统手抄纸结构特性作了系统的研究。
- The experimental study of the relation between the striatum marginal division and the function of learning and memory. 纹状体边缘区与学习记忆功能关系的实验研究。
- This is not an Ivy-Leaved Geranium;Abutilon megapotamicum, an ally of Hibiscus. But it looks somewhat like a ChineseLantern Plant. 这不是常春藤天竺葵,而是蔓性风铃花。它与扶桑、木槿属同一类,是不是有点像灯笼呢?
- Parkinson's disease is a common and disabling disorder of movement owing to dopaminergic denervation of the striatum. 帕金森氏病是一种常见的由于纹状体除多巴胺能神经支配的运动异常疾病。
- MPTP significantly decreased TH and DAT mRNA levels in the striatum and midbrain of both female and male C57BL/6 mice. MPTP明显减少雌性与雄性C57BL/6小鼠的中脑与纹状体的TH和DAI,基因表达水平。 与对照组相比,BFP有效成份对于雌、雄PD模型小鼠的TH和DAT基因表达均有保护作用。
- The expression of FADD and FAP 1 in hippocampus and cortex was observed more than in corpus striatum. 海马区与皮层FADD、FAP 1的表达明显多于纹状体区。