- The book is about the use and abuse of power. 这本书论述权力的使用与滥用的问题。
- On charges of corruption and abuse of power. 因被指挥犯有贪污罪和滥用职权罪。
- Wild abuse of power became normal. 武力的野蛮滥施也司空见惯。
- The barbaric acts of extreme abuse of power! 是权力滥用的极端野蛮的行为!
- It's his job to sniff out abuses of power. 他的职责就是查究滥用权力的行为。
- He was arrested on charges of corruption and abuse of power. 他因被控贪污腐化和滥用职权而遭逮捕。
- It's their job to sniff out abuses of power. 他们的工作是对滥用职权的情况进行调查了解。
- He flared up at such abuses of power. 他怒斥这种滥用职权的行为。
- He flared out at such abuses of power. 他大声怒斥这种滥用职权的行为。
- The government has been accused of corruption and abuse of power. 政府因腐败和滥权备受谴责。
- It is his job to sniff out abuses of power. 他的职责就是查究滥用权力的行为。
- A scandal involving abuse of power by public officials, violation of the public trust, bribery, contempt of Congress, and attempted obstruction of justice. 水门事件包括共和党官员滥用权力、违背公众信任、贿赂、蔑视国会及企图防碍司法的丑闻
- The essential matter of the corruption is the aberrance and abuse of power. 腐败问题,其实质是权力的异变,核心是权力的滥用。
- The system flaw will be a trigger for abuse of power and corruption. 该体制漏洞将引发滥用权力和腐败问题。
- To minimise the possibility of any abuse of power, the ICAC is subject to a stringent system of checks and balances. 廉政公署受到严格的监察与制衡机制监管,以尽量减低该署滥用权力的可能。
- To minimise the possibility of any abuse of power,the ICAC is subject to a stringent system of checks and balances. 廉政公署受到严格的监察与制衡机制监管,以尽量减低该署滥用权力的可能。
- For that reason, they did all they could to limit opportunities for the abuse of power. 基于这个理由,他们尽可能地限制造成权力滥用的机会。
- Corruption, or rather the abuse of power, is a form of criminality that scarcely recognises any frontiers. 贪污实在是滥用权力的罪行,而且几乎没有地域界限。
- His political reputation was tainted by his abuse of the power. 他因滥用职权而破坏了政治声誉。
- It is clear that here Stalin showed in a whole series of cases his intolerance, his brutality and his abuse of power. 显而易见,此时的斯大林在整个一系列的问题上表现出他的格格不入,他残酷无情并滥用职权,