- Abuduklim Nasding 阿布都克里木·纳斯尔丁
- The OTC market is regulated by the NASD. 直接交易市场由美国全国券商协会管理。
- Activities of account executives are overseen by the SEC and the NASD. 证券交易委员会和全美证券交易商协会监管经纪人的工作。
- Today Nasdaq and NASD have separate managements, boards of directors and chairmen. 如今,纳斯达克与全美证券交易商协会已分离了各自的管理层、董事会和董事长。
- Placing selling pressure on a stock in an attempt to keep its price low or to move its price lower, in violation of NASD rules. 是指投资者试图将某只股票的价格压低或者把价格维持在该股票期权合同的履约价格以下来获取一定私利,是一种违法的行为。
- And that is only a start, because the NASD system is glacially slow, reporting prices with a 30-minute delay. 而这仅仅是开始,因为全国证券交易商协会系统运行的速度是极度缓慢的,价格报告要滞后30分钟。
- Brokerage activities in the U.S. are regulated by the SEC, the NASD, and the exchanges on which they do business. 在美国,证券经纪公司的业务活动要遵循证券交易委员会,全美证券交易商协会和证券交易所的规定。
- When trades are reported through the NASD, according to the study, trading costs fall by 10% to 14%. 根据这项研究,当全国证券交易商协会(NASD)报告了交易额后,交易成本下降了10%25到14%25。
- Most of the small firms listed in OTCBB or Pink sheet. It is getting easier to list in the NASD Small Cap market. 听在美国的朋友说,现在有很多中小民营企业到美国去上市,而且融到很多资金,特别是科技股,有谁知道这一类的消息可以告诉我吗?
- That would allow us to sever all our ties from the NASD and any possible conflict would be eliminated. 那样我们就能切断与全美证券交易商协会的一切关联,并消除一切可能的冲突。
- Neither Nasdaq nor NASD shall have any liability when complying with such NASD notice. 当遵守全国证券商协会通知时,不论是那斯达克或是全国证券商协会,均没有任何责任。
- Securities products are offered through MB Trading, member NASD, SIPC, MB Trading Futures, Inc. (MBTF) and 3D ... 打算在MBTF开户,有一些疑问,咨询了MBTF相关人员,由于英文水平很有限,让大家见笑了。
- The brokerage industry faces scrutiny from the SEC, NASD as well as Federal and State regulatory agencies. 经纪业则面对着证券交易委员会、证券交易商协会以及联邦和各州的法规。
- He is a registered representative with the NASD and registered as an investment advisor. 他是那斯达克股票交易所的注册代表与投资顾问。
- The NASD is supervised by the SEC and includes all over the counter dealer firms. NASD受证券交易委员会监督,包括所有场外交易公司。
- Brokerage activities in the U.S. are regulated by the SEC, the NASD,the exchanges on which they do business. 在美国,证券经纪公司的业务活动要遵循证券交易委员会,全美证券交易商协会和证券交易所的规定。
- Have you ever been a party to an investigation,complaint,settlement with NFA, NASD, SEC or other institutions? 您是否曾被NFA、NASD、SEC或者其他机构调查、投诉或处分过?
- Later, arbitration section has been established by most SROs, including AMEX, NASD and CME, to stipulate applicable rules and conduct arbitration. 其后,各个证券业自律组织,如美国证券交易所、美证券交易商协会、加哥期货交易所等纷纷成立了仲裁部门,制定自己的仲裁规则,对证券纠纷进行仲裁。
- In addition, NASD 3110 requires that member firms implement a retention program for all correspondence involving registered representatives. 此外,NASD 3110还要求成员证券公司对所有涉及注册代理人的信函实施保留计划。
- Some companies in the financial services industry are required by regulatory bodies such as the SEC and NASD to log, monitor and capture instant messaging. 规范性机构(比如SEC:证券交易委员会和NASD:全国证券交易商协会)要求某些金融服务行业公司记录、监视并捕捉即时消息。