- It take about two weeks to go surface mail from here to London. 普通邮件从这儿寄往伦敦要花两个星期左右时间。
- School activities start winding down about two weeks before the end of term. 学期结束前两周左右,学校的各种活动逐步减少了。
- We went there about two weeks ago. 我们是两个星期以前去的。
- She told me her story about two weeks ago. 两星期前她把他的故事告诉我了。
- The coal miners have come out for about two weeks. 煤矿工人已罢工约两周了。
- At the earliest, in about two weeks. 最少也要二星期。
- About two weeks, if it gets here at all. 大概要两个星期,如果邮件没有丢失的话。
- It had been about two weeks since Mr.Belser died. 贝尔舍先生去世已经两个星期了。
- Warwick's experiment will last for about two weeks. 沃里克的实验大约将持续2个星期。
- The Mardi Gras season begins about two weeks before Fat Tuesday. 新奥尔良的狂欢节季节大概开始于“肥美星期二”之前的两周。
- It'll take about two weeks for them to go get there. 交货需要二个星期的时间。
- It takes about two weeks to go surface mail from here to London. 普通邮件从这儿寄往伦敦要花两个星期左右时间。
- I will be getting some leg braces in about two weeks. 最近我回去买一对腿部支架。
- After about two weeks, Edie came home looking so discouraged. 这样大概过了两个星期,爱狄都带著沮丧心情回家。
- NIST keeps a customer's resistor for about two weeks. NIST一般保留客户的电阻两星期。
- "I expect him back in training in about two weeks' time. “我希望他在两周内回来训练。
- The operation to raise the Kursk is scheduled to begin in about two weeks. 打捞“库尔斯克”号的工作按计划将在大约两周后开始。
- From this perch, she will guard her eggs (typically four) for about two weeks. 从这个时候开始,她将警卫她的蛋(通常为四年),为两个星期左右。
- For example, the dengue fever virus takes about two weeks to incubate. 例如,登革热病毒在蚊子体内大约需要两个星期的培育孵化期。
- To repack the goods would involve a delay of about two weeks in shipment. 改装此货将使装运期延迟大约两星期。