- Aberration vignetting 像差渐晕
- A mental deviation or aberration. 神经错乱或精神变态
- A mental or moral twist, aberration, or deviation. 不正常精神或道德上的扭曲、变态或歪曲
- Owing to a strange mental aberration he forgot his own name. 由于一种莫名的精神错乱,他把自己的名字忘了。
- To that extent, Mr Sharon was no“ aberration”. 由此看来,沙龙所作所为并非不循常理。
- Objectively identifiable aberration of the disease. 患病机体客观存在的异常。
- Steal sth in amoment of aberration. 一时糊涂而偷东西。
- She hit him in a moment of aberration. 她一时精神失常打了他。
- The frequency of aberration by CGH was 60%(12/20). 20例淋巴瘤患者CGH核型异常检出率为60%25。
- To that extent, Mr Sharon was no "aberration". 由此看来,沙龙所作所为并非不循常理。
- Or was their ferocity merely an aberration? 那样反常的凶猛吗?
- Owing to a strange mental aberration he forget his own name. 由于一种莫名的精神错乱,他把自己的名字忘了。
- The resultant defect is known as chromatic aberration. 由此而产生的缺陷叫做色差。
- Corrected for both chromatic and spherical aberration, as a lens. 复消色差的矫正色相差和球面像差的,如镜头
- Vignetting has to be on strong for the stripe options to work. 渐晕,必须强有力的条纹选择工作。
- Complete blackening is possible with mechanical vignetting. 机械晕影也可能是变成完全一片的黑暗。
- Vignetting test of 2nd camera fixed, VGA sensor stability. 改进了前置摄像头的VGA传感器稳定性。
- It minimizes distortion and peripheral vignetting at the wide end. 资讯科技将扭曲和在广泛的结束使晕映的外围设备减到最少。
- No chromatic aberration, more standardized and standardized. 无色差,更标准化和规范化。
- Mr Taheri views the Islamic Republic as an aberration. 塔哈里认为伊斯兰共和国行为有误。