- A provocation to action; a stimulus. 激励,刺激某种行动的刺激; 激励
- One that acts as a provocative stimulus; a goad. 刺激:令人振奋的刺激物;激励。
- One that acts as a provocative stimulus;a goad. 刺激令人振奋的刺激物;激励
- A provocative action 挑衅举动
- A provocation to action;a stimulus. 激励,刺激某种行动的刺激;
- He is a provocative man who takes nothing whatever for granted. 他是位爱争论的人,无论休整都不愿想当然。
- Last week at the Asia Society, she urged Pyongyang to refrain from what she called "any provocative action" and "unhelpful rhetoric". 她上星期在亚洲协会讲话时,敦促平壤放弃她所说的“一切挑衅性的行动”和“毫无助益的辞令”。
- I admit, it's a provocative headline. But it's true. 我承认,这是个令人气愤的标题。但事实如此。
- JM: But China considers that in itself a provocative statement. 但是中国认为这句话本身就是挑衅的说法。
- The Americans decided Penkovsky was a provocation. 美国人认定潘科夫斯基的事是一种圈套。
- Their insulting remarks were a provocation. 他们侮辱人的话使人愤怒。
- A provocative article in a local newspaper only served to fan the flames of rebellion. 地方报纸的一篇挑衅性文章只会对叛乱起煽风点火的作用。
- People with this aspect can become effective leaders in provocative actions aimed at disturbing negative apathy. 有这相位的人,会因以煽动性行动瞄准对付令人困扰的人情淡薄,而成为杰出的领导者。
- The secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, says that any test would be a “provocative act”. 国务卿,赖斯说,任何试验都是一种挑衅行为。
- Perhaps include a provocative question or two; evoke vivid images or use quotations if appropriate. 可以以问话结为,或适当的引用。
- And a provocative exihibition tries to unpick the myth about the world's most famous apeman. 法国引人入胜的展览欲揭开世界上最有名的猿人之谜。
- The second question, given the provocative actions of the DPRK, how to realize denuclearization of the Peninsula? 第二个问题,鉴于朝鲜近期的一系列挑衅举动,如何才能实现朝鲜半岛无核化?
- He is a very good footballer; you ought to see him in action. 他是一位出色的足球运动员,你应该看他踢球。
- And a provocative exhibition in Paris which tries to unpick the myth about the world’s most famous ape man. 巴黎正在进行一场热火朝天的展览,试图揭开世界上最著名的猿人的奥秘。
- Jackson and Ben Affleck star in a provocative and gripping drama that exposes the best and worst in all of us. 两个素未谋面的人,一宗轻微的车祸,触发连锁反应,彻底改变两人的一生!