- AO, Police Discipline Board 警察纪律委员会裁决官
- Police Discipline Board 警察纪律委员会
- "Look from current information, before excluding this financial group, with Hua Youshi discipline board of directors negotiates cracked is likely. “从目前的信息看,不排除该财团之前跟华友世纪董事会谈判破裂的可能。”
- They denounced him to the police as a criminal. 他们向警方告发他是罪犯。
- It is alien to the school discipline. 这是违反学校纪律的。
- Yoga is a good discipline for learning to relax. 要学会身心松弛,瑜珈功是一种有效的锻炼方法。
- The police hustled the tramps into the patrol car. 警察将那些流浪者强行推入巡逻车中。
- The police are responsible for the enforcement of the law. 警察负责执法。
- The police dredged up the parcel from the muddy river. 警方从浑浊的河水中捞出包裹。
- The police faced a mob throwing bricks and petrol bombs. 警察面对一群投掷砖块和汽油弹的暴徒。
- The police found the wandering boy in a deserted building. 警察在一栋废弃的楼里找到了这个流浪的男孩。
- The teacher can't keep discipline in her class. 那位老师无法维持教室纪律。
- The false alibi threw the police off the scent. 那个不在犯罪现场的伪证使警方失去了线索。
- The soldiers showed perfect discipline under fire. 士兵在枪林弹雨中严守军纪。
- He is not subject to discipline. 他不守纪律。
- The police crushed out the rebellion in the prison. 警察把发生在监狱中的暴乱镇压了下去。
- Discipline is often relaxed at weekends. 一到周末纪律往往松弛下来。
- Police sealed off all the exits from the building. 警方把建筑物的所有出口都封锁住了。
- A little discipline would do them a lot of good. 略加惩处对他们将大有好处。
- We have to submit ourselves to discipline. 我们必须遵守纪律。