- A windy terrace. 受风的阳台
- We can see numberless grains of sand in a windy day. 在风天,我们能看到无数沙粒。
- A windy spring entails a rainy summer. 春天如果多风,夏天雨水必定充足。
- It was a windy and moonless night. 那晚风大,月也黑。
- It is hard to manage a yacht on a windy day. 刮风的日子不易驾驶游艇。
- To fly kites, you'd hope to have a windy day. 为了放风筝,你会希望有个风大的日子。
- Hold on to the hat on a windy day. 在有风的日子里请紧紧抓住帽子。
- I find it interesting to fly a kite on a windy day. 我发现在有风的日子里放风筝很有趣。
- Cold May and a windy month makes a full barn. 五月凉风吹,谷物堆满囤。
- What can you see on a windy day ? 在有风的天气里,你能看见什么?
- He boated across a brook in a windy morning . 在一个刮风的早晨,他划着小船穿过一条河流。
- A windy March, and a rainy April makes a beautiful May. 三月多风四月雨,赢得五月好风景。
- When I ride a bicycle on a windy night, I get goose bumps. 当我在起风的夜里骑脚踏车时,我会起鸡皮疙瘩。
- It feels much colder in a windy day than when it is calm. 寒冷的感觉在大风的日子比在无风时会更加强烈。
- A cold May and a windy makes a full barn and a findy. 五月寒凉又多风,粮食作物定丰收。
- It is hard to manage such a small boat on a windy day. 在这样的大风天气要驾驭这只小船不容易。
- A feather floats about on the air, especially on a windy day. 羽毛会在空中四处飘动,尤其是在多风的天气。
- A windy march and a rainy April makes a beautiful May. 三月刮和风,雨下四月里,五月风光多美丽。
- So on a windy day, the cheapest power comes from wind turbines. 因此在多风的日子,最便宜的电力来自风力涡轮。
- On a windy day, guy ropes are needed to hold the tent upright. 在刮风的天气里,需要拉绳来保证帐篷不会被吹倒。