- A watering place;a spa. 水源流水的地方;矿泉
- A watering place; a spa. 水源流水的地方;矿泉
- The young man first saw the young lady at a watering place,and proposed to her there,as the story goes. 据说那个青年在一个温泉胜地初次遇见那个少女,并且就在那里向她求婚。
- The young man first saw the young lady at a watering place, and proposed to her there, as the story goes. 据说那个青年在一个温泉胜地初次遇见那个少女,并且就在那里向她求婚。
- Naturally occurring mineral water, as at a spa. 矿泉水自然出产之矿质水,如矿泉中的水
- Would you care to place a small wager of $5 on it? 你愿不愿就此事打个五元的小赌?
- A water power station must have a dam. 水电站必须有拦河坝。
- A: Your hotel has a spa and a casino? 你的旅馆有温泉和赌场?
- Every apartment house has a water tank on its roof. 每栋公寓房子都有一个水塔。
- Walter jumps all over the place like a water flea. 瓦尔特跳来跳去,活象个水蚤。
- A resort providing therapeutic baths; a spa. 温泉疗养地;温泉。
- A resort providing therapeutic baths;a spa. 温泉温泉疗养地;温泉
- Conclusions Placing a water sac into the stomach and filling degassed water into the sac is a feasible method to establish the passage of HIFU for pancreas. 结论胃内放置水囊并注入脱气水是建立猪胰腺HIFU超声通道的可行方法。
- Gavin and Sonya are spending a day at a spa. 事实上,我整天都坐在桌子前面。我是个会计。
- Sitting watching television, in a Spa. 坐著看电视、浸按摩池。
- Place a pivot pin into the pivot point. 把大头针扎在旋转点上。
- Do not use this water heater in conjunction with a spa or hot tub. 不要把热水器直接与按摩浴缸或热浴缸直接连接。
- Shall your price meet us, we shall be pleased to place a big order with you. 如贵公司所提供的价格适当,我公司将大量订购。
- The police used a water cannon on the rioters and soon brought them to heel. 警察对暴徒使用了高压水炮,因而很快就使他们就范。
- I would like to place a person-to-person call. 我要打一个叫人电话。