- A twill weave;a loose weave. 斜纹组织;稀的编织
- a twill weave; a loose weave. 斜纹组织;稀的编织
- A soft, short-napped fabric with a twill weave, made of wool, cotton, rayon, or silk. 起绒织物一种柔软、起短绒并有斜纹波浪的织物,用羊毛、棉、人造纤维或丝制成
- A soft,short-napped fabric with a twill weave,made of wool,cotton,rayon,or silk. 起绒织物一种柔软、起短绒并有斜纹波浪的织物,用羊毛、棉、人造纤维或丝制成
- A firm woven fabric or worsted cotton or spun rayon with a twill weave. 结实紧密的精纺棉毛织品或人造丝斜纹布。
- a firm durable fabric with a twill weave. 有斜纹编法的耐用的纤维。
- A fine woolen cloth with a fancy twill weave. 克尔赛梅尔短绒大衣呢具有别致的斜纹的一种精致毛料
- In short, Mrs Miles is a loose fish. 总之,迈儿斯先生是个浪荡子。
- Come and see us if you're at a loose end. 闲著的时候到我们这儿来坐坐。
- All he is actually doing is to weave a rope of sand. 他实际在做的一切毫无价值可言。
- Never tell him a secret; he's got a loose tongue. 别把秘密告诉他,他的嘴不严。
- T-shirt material is best and well worn cheaper t-shirt material with a looser weave is better yet. 恤布料最好,而穿旧的编织孔松散的T恤布料更好。
- A loose end, fringe, or tuft of thread. 碎屑松散的线的末端、毛边或一束线
- A loose outer garment, such as a cape. 披风,斗篷一种宽松的外衣,例如斗篷
- prodenia fabric has a twill weave, Khaki, some sound bites, gabardine, etc. 斜纹织物有斜纹布、卡其、哗几、华达呢等。
- She stepped on a loose stone and twisted her ankle. 她踩到一块松动的石头上,扭伤了脚踝。
- A loose robe worn chiefly by women. 仿和服晨衣主要为妇女穿的宽松长袍
- A loosely woven, coarse fabric of cotton or wool used in clothing. 席纹呢一种编织较松的,棉质或羊毛的粗糙织物,用作衣料
- A frequent variation of the twill weave is the herringbone. 常用的斜纹变化组织是人字斜纹。
- Here the grass ended and there was a loose sandy soil under foot. 这儿草到了尽头,脚下是松软件的沙土。