- Curiousinvestigators; a trap door that made me curious. 好学的研究者;会上下活动的门使我惊奇不已奇怪的事实。
- The dirt had to be scraped away to uncover a trap door. 地板门上面的泥土已经被打扫干净了。
- The bird is usually lowered through a trap door in the floor of the cabin after the takeoff. 飞行器通常都是在起飞以后通过座舱底部的一个活动门放下去的。
- Something, such as a trap door on a gallows, that is arranged to fall or be lowered. 下落板被设计降低或落下的东西,如绞刑架的下落板
- A dungeon with a trap door in the ceiling as its only means of entrance or exit. 地下土牢顶部有一供出入的活板门的土牢
- Something,such as a trap door on a gallows,that is arranged to fall or be lowered. 下落板被设计降低或落下的东西,如绞刑架的下落板。
- I stumbled past the boxes of polished wood and velvet, feeling like I had fallen through a trap door into an Edgar Allen Poe story. 我磕磕碰碰地穿行在经木头和天鹅绒刨光的棺柩,感觉像是触动了机关,跌入了爱伦·坡的小说中。
- Police later found more than100 pairs of stiletto shoes hidden behind a trap door at the printing works where he was employed. 后来警察在劳埃德受雇的印刷厂的一个暗门后面,发现了藏着的100多双细高跟鞋。
- Police later found more than 100 pairs of stiletto shoes hidden behind a trap door at the printing works where he was employed. 后来警察在劳埃德受雇的印刷厂的一个暗门后面,发现了藏着的100多双细高跟鞋。
- The room that was being prepared for you has a lever which will open a trap door designed to drop people below, and you could climb down from there. 在为你准备的房间里有一条操纵杆可以控制一个陷阱门,原本能出其不意地让人坠落,或许你可以顺着那里爬下去。
- The police set a trap to catch the thief. 警察设下了捉拿窃贼的圈套。
- I knew perfectly well it was a trap. 我很清楚这是一个陷阱。
- The purpose of a trap is to catch and hold animals. 陷阱是用来捕捉野兽的。
- A trap door. 通气门
- A trap set to catch trespassers or poachers. 捕人陷阱用来捕捉越过私地者或偷猎者的陷阱
- In a moment he stumble into a trap, set by bear-catcher. 不一会儿他绊跌到捕熊人设的陷阱里。
- A means of catching or ensnaring; a trap. 陷阱捕捉或诱捕的方式; 圈套
- They set a trap for him and he walked right into it. 他们设下圈套,他果然落入其中。
- a trap door that made me curious. 一个活动门使我感到好奇。
- A trap door in the middle of the floor 地板的中间有一扇活板门。既然作者不用