- A throwing upward. 上抛,上投
- The throw in a throwing contest. 投掷投掷比赛中的投掷
- A throwing of a fishing line or net into the water. 撒网把钓线或网投入水中
- It's foolish to risk money on a throw of the dice. 掷骰子赌博,是很愚蠢的。
- He lost dollars on a throw of dice. 他掷一回骰子输了两块钱。
- I faked a throw but kept the ball myself. 我假装投球,但球仍在我手中。
- Blocks should end in a throw or rethrow. 块应以引发或再次引发结束。
- He lost two dollars on a throw of dice. 他掷一回骰子输了两块钱。
- A throw of the ball by the pitcher to the batter. 抛球的抛出,被投手击向击球手
- He lost dollars on a throw of dice . 他掷一回骰子输了两块钱。
- Hurl a thrown weapon at the target. 用投掷武器投掷掷目标。
- B: A throw is the action of throwing the ball out in baseball. 棒球里面的投掷动作。
- She achieved a throw of sixty metres in the javelin event. 在掷标枪项目中, 她掷了60米远。
- It is true that North America is a throw away society. 北美洲确实是个实践"用了就丢"的社会。
- He was wrapped up in a throw by the fire enjoying a good book. 他在火炉边裹在床罩里专心看一本好书。
- The police faced a mob throwing bricks and petrol bombs. 警察面对一群投掷砖块和汽油弹的暴徒。
- The interception by an infielder of a throw to home plate from the outfield. 拦接内场手截球并从外场将球投回本垒板
- The dying fire was throwing out a dull red light. 将要熄灭的火发出暗红色的光。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。