- A spokesman for KT Corp. 苹果的管理人士一直置身事外。
- "There were complaints from animal lovers," said Kim Yoong-kwan, spokesman for KT Corp, the state-owned telephone company which owns the hall outside Seoul. 该公司的发言人金戎宽(音译)说:"我们已经接到许多动物保护者的投诉电话。"
- A spokesman for Warner Brothers? 谁的发言人啊?
- Ray Crockett, a spokesman for Coca-Cola Co. 可口可乐公司的发言人雷。
- A spokesman for Dylan did not return calls. 迪伦的发言人对此不予回应。
- A spokesman for ABN declined to comment. 荷兰银行的发言人拒绝就法院判决发表评论。
- Dmitry Peskov, a spokesman for Mr. 许多俄罗斯人并不这样想。
- The palace (ie A spokesman for the king, queen, etc) has just issued a statement. 王宫发言人刚宣布了一项声明。
- Trevor Rowe is a spokesman for the World Food Program. 特雷弗?罗是联合国世界粮食计划署的发言人。
- A spokesman for the organization declined to comment. 该组织的发言人拒绝对此事发表意见。
- A spokesman for his militia said he was still alive. 而阿维斯军队的发言人则称,他还活着。
- A spokesman for Zola said: "This interest is genuine. 佐拉的发言人说:“他真的非常有爱好。”
- A spokesman for the diocese labeled the photos "deeply offensive". 教区发言人称这些照片带有"严重冒犯"性质。
- A spokesman for the South American's camp told M.E.N. 特维斯团队的一名发言人表示:“此事目前没有任何进展,我们只有到赛季末才会有结果。”
- Let me first say that I have not come to the UK as a spokesman for China. 首先我要声明,我并不是以中国发言人的身分来到英国。
- The cards make it easier for parents to keep tabs on their youngsters, said Toru Hasegawa, a spokesman for software firm NAJ Corp, based in western Japan. 据这家坐落在日本西部的NAJ软件公司发言人长谷川介绍,这种卡能够使家长更加容易地了解孩子们的行踪。
- Let me first say that I have come here not as a spokesman for China. 首先我要声明,我并不是以中国发言人的身分来到德国。
- A spokesman for Warner Brothers says he died yesterday at heart failure. 华纳兄弟公司的一名发言人称,他于昨天死于心衰。
- On June first Michael Geisen will begin a year as a spokesman for education. 六月一号起麦克尔将开始为期一年的教育发言人的生涯。
- "They must have something ready to present to us," said a spokesman for BTM. “他们必须准备点东西给我们看看,”东京三菱银行的一位发言人说。