- A small margin of safety. 不怎么安全
- The margin of safety has grown thin. 安全系数已变小了。
- That is what Ben Graham meant by having a margin of safety. 这便是本杰明·葛拉厄姆所谓的安全边际。
- Well, to make a long story short, the pol lost by a small margin. 长话短说,票开出来,这年迈政客居然小输,遗恨总统梦未圆。
- The margin of safety isi the excess of expected sales over breakeven sales. 安全边际是预计销售量(或销售额)与保本销售量(或销售额)之差。
- This price will allow a good margin of profit. 这一价格可获厚利。
- In the end they reached a place of safety. 他们终于到达了一个安全的地方。
- In case the space is not enough ,you can use one more section in the hatchway ,but leave a small margin. 如果舱位不够,你们可以在舱口位再用一节梁子,但要留一个小空档。
- She win the seat by a margin of ten votes. 她以十票优势赢得席位。
- A small party of men were told off for burial duty. 一小组人被分派去执行掩埋的任务。
- In case the space is not enough, you can use one more section in the hatchway, but leave a small margin. 如果舱容不够,你们可以在舱口位再用一节梁位,但要留出一点小空位。
- EPA in its discretion may impose more stringent limitations based on the "ample margin of safety" standard. 环境保护局也可以利用其任意决定权,按照“充分的安全限度”标准施行更加严厉的限制。
- These flowers are a small token of my gratitude. 谨以此花聊表谢忱。
- The extra step would increase the margin of safety by further purifying the vaccine. 这一步骤将使疫苗更加纯净,从而使它的完全系数得到提高。
- De Gaulle pledged to leave office if the "no" won, and when it did by a small margin, he resigned the next day. 迪发誓说如果反对票占多数,他将下台。第二天反对票以微小的差距超过赞成票,高尔辞职。
- She led the children to a place of safety. 她把孩子们领到一个安全的地方。
- The children were led to a place of safety. 孩子们被带到一个安全的地方。
- Thus their plan for raising rebellion in that country and mastering cheaply this wide area was frustrated on a small margin. 这样,他们要想在该国鼓动背叛并想以微小的代价控制这一广大地区的图谋,遂功败垂成。
- Very often a large margin of safety is used in textile mill operations to eliminate the need for reprocessing. 为防止返工,在纺织厂的操作中,往往使用大的安全系数。
- In engineering the margin of safety is the strength of the material minus the anticipated stress. 在工程领域,所谓安全边际是指材料的强度减去预期应力的结果。