- He chronicled the story of a self - made man . 他记叙了一个靠自己努力成功的人的故事。
- A self - induced hypnotic state. 自我催眠状态一种自我诱导的催眠状态
- A self - make man? Yes, and worship his creator . 是自己奋斗成功的人士吗? 是啊,正在礼拜他的造物主呢。
- A self - indulgent, gluttonous, or filthy person. 自私、贪吃或肮脏的人
- DNA is a self - replicating molecule. 脱氧核糖核酸是一种自我复制的分子
- Died of a self - inflictedgunshot wound. 死在自己的枪伤下。
- A self - indulgent,gluttonous,or filthy person. 自私、贪吃或肮脏的人
- A self - timer is installed in this camera. 这架相机有自动装置。
- A group can be seen as a self managing unit. 团队可以被视为一个自我管理的个体。
- A guilty conscience is a self accuser. 内心有愧,日夜难安。
- Her husband is a self confessed alcoholic. 她的丈夫自认是个酒徒。
- He chronicled the story of a self - made man. 他记叙了一个靠自己努力成功的人的故事。
- December 2nd 1983: After due preparation initiated a Diocesan Renewal Movement for priests, laity and religious. 一九八三年十二月二日:经妥当预备后,开始教区更新运动。
- It truly was a self because of what it displaced. 而我们之所以说它确实有一个自我,是因为它置换出的东西。
- Latino charismatics see themselves as a renewal movement within Catholicism, as it converges with other churches. 拉美的“有神赐能力”的人视自己为天主教中的复兴运动,因为他们与其他教堂有了交合点。
- A self ish person puts self first. 自私的人把私利看得高于一切。
- Greece must have a system if it is to become a self supporting and self respecting democracy. 要想成为一个自立、自尊的民主国家,希腊必须有一个健全的体制。
- Chicken Embryonic stem cells(CES cells) are undifferentiated cells capable of proliferation and self renewal and have the potential to differentiate into all somatic cells and the germ line. 胚胎干细胞(Embryonic Stem Cells,ES cells)是能够进行增殖和自我更新的未分化细胞,具有分化为包括生殖系细胞在内的所有细胞的潜能。
- To glorify oneself in speech;talk in a self - admiring way. 自吹自擂,自夸讲话中炫耀自己;以自我欣赏的方式说话
- This is a self help organization of manufacturing practitioners. 为制造业为主的非盈利性社会组织。