- A saucy or impudent girl. 野丫头轻率、鲁莽的女孩
- A saucy or impudent girl 野丫头轻率、鲁莽的女孩
- A girl or young woman who is considered pert, flirtatious, or impudent. 冒失或轻佻的女子被认为唐突、轻佻或不谨慎的女孩或年轻女人
- behave saucy or impudently towards. 对别人非常放肆、无礼地行事。
- That's a saucy answer to give your mother. 那样回答你母亲是无礼的。
- 9.behave saucy or impudently towards. 对别人非常放肆、无礼地行事。
- A girl or young woman who is considered pert,flirtatious,or impudent. 冒失或轻佻的女子被认为唐突、轻佻或不谨慎的女孩或年轻女人
- She shouldn't be imprudent or impudent, cold-hearted or narrow-minded. 她应该从不轻率,鲁莽,冷漠无情,心胸狭窄。
- His daughter is a saucy tomboy. 他女儿是一个调皮的假小子。
- He's never imprudent or impudent, inadvertent or negligent when he deals with international affairs. 他处理国际事务时,从不轻率,鲁莽,马马虎虎,粗心大意
- She's a saucy little miss! 她是个黄毛丫头!
- A saucy girl or young woman. 冒失莽撞的少女或少妇
- She wore a saucy new hat. 她戴著一顶漂亮的新帽子。
- Where's that impudent girl? 那个胆大妄为的丫头在哪里?
- Be quiet, you impudent girl! 安静点,你这放肆的女孩子!
- "Well, if you think I'll marry you to pay for the bonnet, I won't," she said daringly and gave her head a saucy flirt that set the plume to bobbing. "唔,要是你觉得我为了偿付那顶帽子便会嫁给你,那是不会的,"她大胆地说,同时俏皮地把头晃了晃,让帽子上的羽毛抖动起来。
- I reckon the girl is a little bit boyish. 这想这个女孩有点男孩子气。
- Lin Pei-shan cast a saucy glance at Fan Po-wen and moved towards the door of the other room. 林佩珊佯嗔地睃了她表哥一眼,就往小客厅那方向走。
- A church, school, hospital, asylum, or prison is an institution. 教堂,学校,医院,收容所或监狱皆属公共机构。
- "I know he's always a saucy creature," said Rosa, poising herself on one of her little feet. “我知道,他一向是个鲁莽的家伙,”萝莎一面用一只脚平衡着身子,一面说。