- A return to a normal condition. 复原恢复到正常的状况
- To return to a normal or former condition. 恢复恢复到正常的或先前的状态
- We ask for a return to democratic government. 我们要求恢复民主政体。
- How much do you charge for a return to Wuhan? 买一张去武汉来回票多少钱?
- The world saw a return to a floating exchange rate system. 世界又恢复到浮动汇率制度。
- If you want to return to a normal image, click the "Original" thumbnail in the Video Effects window. 如果您想要返回正常图像,请点按“视频效果”窗口的“最初状态”缩略图。
- To speak,write,or act as a return to respond to. 答复用口头,书面或行为来回答。
- Psychiatry A pathological amnesiac condition during which one is apparently conscious of one's actions but has no recollection of them after returning to a normal state. 神游症:一种病理性的健忘状态,患病时患者明显意识到自己的行为,但恢复到正常状态时即将其遗忘。
- A return to traditional Menswear colors. 重新启用传统男装色彩。
- Brian and Liane MacFarlane intend to use this cabin here as a kind of base camp and try to meet other survivors to return to a normal life. 布赖恩和列昂科技麦克法兰打算使用,作为一种大本营这个舱在这里,并设法满足其他幸存者恢复正常生活。
- It was time, then, for a return to ugliness. 但比赛却在某个时刻回到了丑陋。
- Their marriage cannot take anymore stress, or it will break to pieces.Cecilia is working again, shooting ads to try to return to a normal life. 但有可能张又没有怀孕,张也返工啦,拍摄广告呢,试着回归正常的生活。
- To speak, write, or act as a return to; respond to. 答复用口头,书面或行为来回答;答复。
- Conclusion After allo-PBSCT, the relative number of CD3(superscript +) cells would return to a normal level within 3 months. 结论异基因外周血造血干细胞移植后3月T细胞才逐渐恢复至正常水平;
- Does that herald a return to bloody conflict? 那这是否预示了苏丹将回到血腥冲突的时代?
- In spite of this, however, Jackson said Odom is still should be able to return to a normal state, the arrival of the new season. 不过虽然如此,杰克逊还是表示奥多姆仍旧应该能够恢复到正常的状态,迎接新赛季的到来。
- In the 1930s there was a return to a more genteel, ladylike appearance. 进入三十年代后,女性回归到更优雅,更有女人味的时装中。
- Type exit, to get back to a normal session. 只不过现在它是一个安全壳的对话。
- Lead a return to life, Endow life with happiness. 让教育回归生活,让生活洋溢幸福。