- A relatively minor crisis. 相对较小的危机
- Women played a relatively minor role in the organization. 在这个组织中,妇女发挥着相对次要的作用。
- Draco is something of a whiner, or at least he is not above using a relatively minor injury to his own advantage. 德拉科有点爱哭诉,至少他是那种会利用一个相对很小的伤口来得到自身利益的人。
- NF3 is not hazardous by skin contact and is a relatively minor irritant to the eyes and mucous membranes. 皮肤接触NF3是没有危险的。对于眼睛和黏膜,它是一个相对程度较轻的刺激物。
- Fig. 8. 27, taken from their paper, shows a relatively minor secondary pressure maximum. 图8.;27摘自他们的论文;其中显示了一个比较小的二次最大压力。
- What on the surface appeared a relatively minor issue in fact went to the heart of a fundamental question facing the Social Democrats. 那些在表面上看相对次要的问题实际上牵涉到社会民主党面临的根本问题。
- Anyone celebrating Christmas could be fined. The ban lasted 22 years, and even after that, Christmas was a relatively minor event. 任何庆祝圣诞节的都会被罚款。此禁令实施了22年,之后,圣诞节也只是一个相对次要的活动。
- It is relatively minor," said a Blair spokesman. 目前他的工作欲望和以前完全一样。
- Finance minister Masayoshi Takemura leads the third coalition partner in the government, the New Harbinger Party, a relatively minor, left-leaning splinter group from the LDP which polled only 2 per cent of the vote in recent upper house elections. 武村正义藏相领导着联合政府的第三方新党魁党,这是由自民党分裂出来的左翼小派别组成的,它在最近的上议院选举中,只得到了2%25的选票。
- Raising the stamp tax was a relatively minor move but it had a huge psychological effect and investors decided to secure their profits rather than wait for new government measures. “提高印花税是一个相对小的举措,但是,它有着巨大的心理影响,投资者决定保护他们的股票收益,而不是等待政府再出新措施。”
- So if it is a relatively minor attack, such as a threat from an intruder with no weapon just his bare hands, it is extremely unlikely to be reasonable to defend oneself with a firearm. 所以,如果是轻微性攻击如赤手空拳不带武器,但防卫时却动用武器,这就很难说是合理性防卫了。
- Church sees incorporating the rest of the synthetic RNAs as a relatively minor challenge.“There’s nothing you’d expect to go wrong, the way we expected things to go wrong with the assembly,” he says. 他们制取两个,而不是一个RNA分子,其中任一个RNA分子都可以通过“缝补”由研究者提供的两个半分子,来合成出另一个RNA分子。
- The rabbit is a relatively recent introduction in Australia. 兔子在澳洲是较为近期引进的动物。
- The inventor evolved his complex machine out of a relatively simple device. 发明者把一个相当简单的装置研制成一个复杂的机器。
- Lead will fuse at a relatively low temperature. 铅不需要太高温度即能溶化。
- A relatively smooth bend in a road or other course. 转弯一条道路或其它通路的相对平滑的弯曲处
- A minor crisis in the domestic sphere or an emotional confrontation is possible. 家庭范围内的小危机或者感情上的对抗是可能出现滴。
- There was a minor crisis among the twelve apostles, which Jesus handled marvelously well. 十二位宗徒当中蕴酿起一个小危机,但是被耶稣处理得天衣无缝。
- Jeff: First,it can provide a relatively fixed site. 杰夫: 首先,它可以提供一个相对固定的场所。
- He charged a relatively modest fee. 他收取的费用不算高。