- A plane appearing in the sky. 天空中出现了一架飞机
- Look, a plane is flying in the sky. 瞧, 一架飞机在天空飞翔!
- A rainbow appeared in the sky after the rain. 雨后天空出现彩虹。
- Suddenly, a band of stars appeared in the sky. 忽然,一串星星出现在夜空中。
- After the storm, a rainbow appeared in the sky. 暴雨过后,天空出现了一道彩虹。
- A plane flew overhead, leaving a white trail in the sky. 一架飞机飞过,在苍空中留下了一条白线。
- A rainbow appeared in the sky when it cleared. 雨后初晴的天空中出现了一道彩虹。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- Black clouds appeared in the sky. 天上出现一片乌云。
- A bright, full moon appears in the sky. 天空中出现了一轮明月。
- A colourful bridge appears in the sky. 天边出现一座彩色的桥。
- A copter appeared in the sky above them. 一架直升机出现在他们上空。
- Whenever it rains, a rainbow will appear in the sky. 只要下雨的时候,在天空中就会出现一道彩虹。
- If I had wings, I could fly like a bird in the sky. 我要是有翅膀,那末我就能跟鸟一样在天空飞翔。
- We can see a plane flying in the clouds. 我们能看到在高空中飞的飞机。
- The falling star described a long curve in the sky. 流星在空中画出了一道长长的弧线。
- His new book will be appearing in the spring. 他的新著将於春季问世。
- He looked up at the sky and saw a plane flying. 他向天上望去,看见一架飞机在飞。
- A cloud is a mass of vapour in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- The new buds appear in the spring. 春天嫩芽初绽。