- A physical defect or weakness. 身体上的缺陷或者弱点
- Do you have hearing or sight impairment, physical defect or infirmity? 您有否听觉或视力障碍、身体缺陷或疾病?
- However, we should not blame those who cannot speak well because of a physical defect such as a natural lisp, stutter or dyslexia. 不过,因身体缺陷如天生口齿不清、结巴、诵读困难等而不能讲好英语者,我们不应当责怪。
- Dimness of vision,especially when occurring in one eye without apparent physical defect or disease. 弱视视觉模糊,尤指在没有明显的身体缺陷或疾病时发生在一只眼上的
- Dimness of vision, especially when occurring in one eye without apparent physical defect or disease. 弱视视觉模糊,尤指在没有明显的身体缺陷或疾病时发生在一只眼上的
- An imperfect image caused by a physical defect in an optical element, as in a lens. 色差由于光学器件(如透镜)的物理缺陷而造成的不完美成象
- Weakness: a personal defect or failing. 弱点,个人不足或缺点
- He has a physical defect, and is too shy to speak out even to his friends. 他一直有生理缺陷,对自己的朋友也难以启齿。
- An imperfect image caused by a physical defect in an optical element,as in a lens. 色差由于光学器件(如透镜)的物理缺陷而造成的不完美成象
- However,we should not blame those who cannot speak well because of a physical defect such as a natural lisp,stutter or dyslexia. 不过,因身体缺陷如天生口齿不清、结巴、诵读困难等而不能讲好英语者,我们不应当责怪。
- The Insured Person suffering from any pre-existing physical defect or infirmity which existed prior to inception of this policy. 被保险人因本身存在的缺陷或病症,而此缺陷或病症在保单有效前已存在。
- A physical or mental disability. 身心的缺陷体力或智力上的无能
- Exemptions from military service shall be granted to persons unfit for it due to serious physical defects or serious deformities. 有严重生理缺陷或者严重残疾不适合服兵役的人,免服兵役。
- Never set a blank or weak sa password. 绝对不要设置空的或弱的sa密码。
- Exemption from enlistment shall be granted to citizens unfit for military service owing to serious physical defects or serious deformities. 有严重生理缺陷或者严重残疾不适合服兵役的公民,免征。
- Something imperfect; a defect or flaw. 缺点,瑕疵不完美的东西;缺陷或瑕疵
- A bodily ailment or weakness, especially one brought on by old age. 虚弱身体上的疾病或虚弱,尤指老龄带来的
- A defect or difficulty,as in a system or design. 缺陷,瑕疵在一个系统或设计上的缺陷或困难
- Impetus of a physical object in motion. 冲力运动中物体的动力
- A defect or handicap;a disability. 缺陷;残疾缺点或弱点;残疾