- A perennial plant, such as the English daisy, cultivated as a biennial. 以两年生植物栽种的多年生植物,如英国雏菊
- A perennial plant,such as the English daisy,cultivated as a biennial. 所有一年生及二年生植物都是结果一次而后死去。
- A perennial plant. 多年生植物
- A perennial plant, such as a crocus or tulip, propagated by buds on underground bulbs, tubers, or corms. 地下芽植物一种通过地下鳞茎、块茎或球茎上的芽繁殖的多年生植物,如藏红花或郁金香
- A perennial plant(Oxalis tuberosa)of the high Andes, grown for its edible tubers. 酢浆草一种产于安地斯多年生植物(酢酱草属块茎酢酱草),其块茎可食
- The dandelion is a perennial plant found, to the dismay of many, almost everywhere. 该蒲公英是一种多年生的植物发现,沮丧许多人,几乎处处。
- A perennial plant(Eupatorium coelestinum) of the southeast and central United States, having corymbs of small blue flowers. 雾龙泽兰一种常绿植物,(破坏草泽兰属)产于美国东南及中部,有青紫色小的伞状花序
- Turmeric, a perennial plant belonging to the same family as ginger, is believed to have originated in Indonesia and Malaysia. 郁金(姜黄),一棵四季不断生长的植物属于科和姜一样,应该发起于印度尼西亚和马来西亚。
- A perennial plant(Oxalis tuberosa) of the high Andes, grown for its edible tubers. 酢浆草一种产于安地斯多年生植物(酢酱草属块茎酢酱草),其块茎可食
- Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum ), a perennial plant growing in American grassland, may be an ideal alternative option. 柳枝稷也许是一个比较理想的替代选择,它是美国草原地区的一种多年生植物。
- A perennial plant(Campanula rotundifolia)having slender stems, dense clusters of basal leaves, and bell - shaped blue or white flowers. 钓钟柳一种长年生的茎细有成簇状且浓密的叶子和蓝色或白色钟状花的植物(圆叶风铃草风铃草属)
- Any of numerous cultivated forms of a perennial plant(Dianthus caryophyllus) having showy, variously colored, usually double, often fragrant flowers with fringed petals. (麝)香石竹,康乃馨一种大量种植的(麝香石竹石竹属)属多年生植物,通常开重瓣花,花色多样且鲜艳,气味芳香,四周有花瓣
- A perennial plant(Campanula rotundifolia) having slender stems, dense clusters of basal leaves, and bell-shaped blue or white flowers. 钓钟柳一种长年生的茎细有成簇状且浓密的叶子和蓝色或白色钟状花的植物(圆叶风铃草风铃草属)
- A perennial plant of the genus Sanguisorba,having pinnately compound leaves and apetalous flowers. The young leaves are sometimes added to salads as a garnish. 地榆,美洲地榆一种地榆属多年生植物,有羽状复叶和无花瓣的花。其嫩叶有时加在沙拉中作装饰和配料。
- A perennial plant of the genus Sanguisorba, having pinnately compound leaves and apetalous flowers. The young leaves are sometimes added to salads as a garnish. 地榆,美洲地榆一种地榆属多年生植物,有羽状复叶和无花瓣的花。其嫩叶有时加在沙拉中作装饰和配料
- Any of numerous cultivated forms of a perennial plant (Dianthus caryophyllus) having showy, variously colored, usually double, often fragrant flowers with fringed petals. (麝)香石竹,康乃馨:一种大量种植的(麝香石竹石竹属)属多年生植物,通常开重瓣花,花色多样且鲜艳,气味芳香,四周有花瓣
- A perennial plant of the genus Sanguisorba, having pinnately compound leaves and apetalous flowers.The young leaves are sometimes added to salads as a garnish. 地榆,美洲地榆一种地榆属多年生植物,有羽状复叶和无花瓣的花。其嫩叶有时加在沙拉中作装饰和配料
- A perennial plant of the genusSanguisorba, having pinnately compound leaves and apetalous flowers. The young leaves are sometimes added to salads as a garnish. 地榆,美洲地榆:一种地榆属多年生植物,有羽状复叶和无花瓣的花。其嫩叶有时加在沙拉中作装饰和配料
- A perennial plant (Astragalus crassicarpus) of the central and western United States, having compound leaves, purple or white flowers, and green, plumlike, edible fruit. 黄芪,紫云英:美国中部和西部的一种多年生植物(粗果黄芪黄芪属),有羽状复叶,花为紫色、白色或绿色,有梅子状可食果实
- Urtica is a kind of perennial plant. 荨麻是一种多年生草本植物。