- It also began a new round of global recruiting. 它也开始了新一轮的全球招聘活动。
- An increase in oil prices would kick off a new round of inflation. 石油价格的上涨将引起新的一轮通货膨胀。
- Word came that there would be a new round of sale next week. 有消息称下周还有新一轮的打折。
- Tashi Che also selected a new round of the Loew's team list. 塔什彻也入选了勒夫新一轮国家队的大名单。
- Another potential problem is a new round of labor strife. 另一个隐患是新一轮的工人抗议活动。
- Increase in oil price increase would kick off a new round of inflation. 石油价格的上涨将引起新一轮的通货膨胀。
- It is now that another 4-year period runs to a new round of GE that it dawns. 四年后,又一次大选来临。
- Nowadays a new round of grain circulating system reform is going on in China . 当前中国新的一轮粮食流通体制改革正在进行。
- In the first half of this year,a new round of election took place in Jilin,Liaoning,Beijing,and Henan. 今年上半年,吉林、辽宁、北京、河南等省份又进行了新一届村委会换届选举。
- A: The WTO ministerial meeting held in Doha last November initiated a new round of multilateral trading negotiations. 石广生:去年11月,世贸组织第四届部长级会议在多哈举行,启动了新一轮多边贸易谈判。
- The Seattle conference held two years ago failed to launch a new round of multilateral trade negotiations. 两年前的西雅图会议没有能够启动新一轮多边贸易谈判。
- China is supportive of the WTO launching a new round of multilateral trade talks. 中国对世界贸易组织发起新一轮多边贸易谈判持积极态度。
- The WTO Doha meeting launched a new round of multilateral trade negotiations, which shows a positive signal. 世贸组织多哈会议启动新的多边贸易谈判是一个积极信号。
- Since the end of last year, China's economy has entered a new round of expansion, helped by a surge in domestic demand. 去年年末以来,受到国内需求增加的影响,中国经济进入了新一轮的增长。
- In the first half of this year, a new round of election took place in Jilin, Liaoning, Beijing, and Henan. 今年上半年,吉林、辽宁、北京、河南等省份又进行了新一届村委会换届选举;
- After the frenzied market, is attributable to silence or force a new round of savings is still unknown. 疯狂过后的市场,是归于沉寂,还是新一轮力量的积蓄,目前尚不得而知。
- Juventus are set to hold a new round of talks with Arsenal after Easter over midfielder Gilberto Silva. 尤文图斯计划在复活节之后围绕中场吉尔伯托·尔瓦和阿森纳展开新一轮谈话。
- That raises the prospect of a new round of Palestinian rocket and mortar attacks and Israeli retaliation. 这就可能发生又一轮的巴勒斯坦火箭和迫击炮袭击,和以色列进行反击。
- Shanghai a new round of high-tech industry officially launched industrialization. 上海新一轮高新技术行业产业化正式启动。
- China has started a new round of taikonauts selection, and five to seven will enter the final list. 中国新一轮航天员选拔工作已经开始,将选拔产生5至7名航天员。