- A mother cherish her baby. 母亲珍爱她的婴儿。
- A mother cherishes her baby. 母亲疼爱孩子。
- A mother cherishes her baby 母亲疼爱孩子。
- A mother looks after the wants of her baby. 母亲关心自己婴儿的需求。
- The tranquil dance is similar to a mother singing her baby to sleep. "舞蹈就像是在哄孩子入梦的母亲,宁静安详。
- Hence a writer feels a maternal affection toward his literary product as a mother feels toward her baby. 发表之后,又自诵自喜,如母牛舐犊。
- Lap A mother often holds her baby in her lap. You no longer sit on the lap of your mother now. 虽然你现在不再坐在妈妈的腿上了,不过你却有可能经常。
- A mother infected with HBV can transmit the virus to her baby during or shortly after birth. 感染乙型感染的母亲在分娩中或分娩后不久可能将病毒传染给孩子。
- A mother monkey is feeding her baby in her arms and looking into my digital camera! 一只猴子妈妈在怀里喂它的小猴子,而且正在看着我的数码相机!
- Does a mother recall the first cry of her baby, I wonder? I still remember the strange cry at birth of that new violin. 我不知道做母亲的是否记得她的婴儿初次的哭声?我仍然记得那只新的小提琴出生时的怪叫。
- One thing a mother likes to do is tickling her baby, because she likes to hear the baby gurgling. 母亲喜欢做的一件事情是给婴儿挠痒痒,因为她爱听婴儿发出的咯咯咯的笑声。
- A mother naturally feels protective towards her children. 母亲对自己的孩子自然会悉心保护。
- No one would give alcohol to a child, and yet every time a mother drinks her baby drinks too. 没人会给孩子喝含酒精的饮料,然而每一次准妈妈喝酒的时候,她的宝宝其实也被迫喝了。
- She had her baby weaned a year later. 她在一年后才把孩子的奶断掉。
- We find it in the joyful and loving heart of a mother who cradles her baby in her arms and nurses it at her breast. 当一位母亲把婴儿抱在怀里充满喜悦与爱心地喂以母乳时,情况就是这样。
- Death-dealing waves sing meaningless ballads to the children, even like a mother while rocking her baby's cradle. 致人死命的波涛,像一个母亲在摇着婴儿的摇篮一样,对孩子们唱着无意义的歌谣。
- So he never responds when a blind or crippled beggar or a mother cradling her baby holds out a hand for money. 所以,当盲人、残疾乞丐或抱着婴儿的母亲伸手向他要钱时,他从来不给。
- Among the tales reported was one of a mother that used a hairdryer on her baby's bottom after changing her. 在众多例子中据说有这样一个故事,讲的是一位妈妈在给宝宝换尿布以后,用吹风机把她的屁股吹干。
- She gave her baby four feeds a day. 她每天喂婴儿四顿。
- For instance, if a mother is HIV-positive, she could transmit the disease to her baby through breast-feeding. 比如,如果是一个带有HIV阳性的母亲,她可能会通过哺乳把疾病传给孩子。