- A male parent of an animal. 父动物的雄性生养者
- male parent of an animal especially a domestic animal such as a horse. 动物的父兽尤指马之类家畜的父兽。
- male parent of an animal especially a domestic animal such as a horse 动物的父兽尤指马之类家畜的父兽
- A male leader of an Islamic polity. 哈里发伊斯兰教政治组织中的男性领导人
- A whistling sound, as of an animal or a projectile. 啭鸣声尖厉高音,如动物或发射物而发出的声音
- A haunt or hiding place of an animal. 栖息处,隐藏处动物的隐藏处或经常出没的地方
- A woman owner of an animal or a slave. 女主人一个动物或一个奴隶的女性拥有者
- The crest of an animal, especially of a bird. 鸟冠动物的肉冠,尤指鸟类
- The crest of an animal,especially of a bird. 鸟冠动物的肉冠,尤指鸟类
- A whistling sound,as of an animal or a projectile. 啭鸣声尖厉高音,如动物或发射物而发出的声音
- A female parent of an animal. 母兽:动物双亲的雌性一方。
- Environment can sometimes alter the rut age of an animal. 有时环境可以改变动物发情的年龄。
- The bone structure or system of an animal. 骨结构动物的骨构造或系统
- A cut of meat from the flank of an animal. 动物腰窝部分的肉
- The lair of an animal such as a hare. 动物,如野兔的窝。
- The birth of an animal, especially a lamb. 绵羊的出生动物的出生,尤指羊羔
- A wind instrument made of an animal horn. 号角由动物角制成的管乐器
- The messaging service that is the ultimate parent of an entry. 同胞服务:指做为某个入口的最终父亲的消息服务。
- The soft belly or underside of an animal's body. 下腹部腹部柔软部分或动物下腹
- Being on the left side of an animal or a vehicle. 左侧的在动物或运输工具左侧的