- A macroscopic plant. 大型植物肉眼可辨的植物
- Traditionally they have worked in the mainly empirical sub-macro realm of unit operations, with some analysis of microscopic phenomena and macroscopic plant design. 化学工程师们传统的工作领域是以经验为主的半宏观的单元操作,结合一些微观现象的分析和宏观的工厂设计。
- A macroscopic investigation on American history by conservatism is recognized in the long river of history are helpful to be understood each other. 从保守主义这一视角对美国历史进行宏观考察,同时在历史的长镜头中辨认出保守主义,有助于对两者的深入理解。
- That means, it not only has an agreement about medium industrialize but also has been launched in a macroscopic view. 这也就是说,媒介产业化的经营与管理理念不仅已经形成共识,而且从宏观角度已经全面展开。
- When faced with starvation, cells form a macroscopic fruiting body containing thousands of resting myxospores. 又能在饥饿的条件下聚集形成子实体结构以及抗逆性的粘孢子。
- Makes a macroscopic description by this on the current farmer social stratum differentiation. 以此对当前的农民阶层分化做一个宏观描述。
- As a macroscopic quantum system, BEC has macroscopic wave-function. Its phase is coherent and it can exhibit special macroscopic quantum phenomena. BEC作为宏观量子系统,具有宏观波函数,整个体系是相位相干的,能够表现特有的宏观量子现象。
- This Scottish plant was a gift from my cousin. 这棵苏格兰植物是我的一个表亲给我的礼物。
- With a macroscopic angle and an abstract method, this thesis carries out an unprecedented systematized study on reiteration. 本文从宏观角度出发,运用抽象手段,对重复现象展开全新的、系统的研究。
- The stratifica-tion of eleclrolyte density is a macroscopic phenomenon and it is accumu-lated progressively in the service course of the cells. 电液分层是一种宏观现象,是由于电池在使用过程中逐步累积而成的。
- The rose is a cosmopolitan plant. 玫瑰是遍生于世界各地的植物。
- The firm has made a huge investment in new plant. 该公司投入巨资购置新设备。
- Analyses the essence and key elements of costume culture from a macroscopic angle of human development and Points out its developmental trend in the 21st century. 从人类发展的宏观角度,剖析了服装文化的本质,阐述了服装文化的要素;指出21世纪服装文化的发展方向。
- The plant has a brilliant purple flower. 那棵植物开著一朵鲜艳的紫花。
- In a macroscopic point of view, the long lasted prosperous business in Venice is based on its centralized social class structure and its many faceted system of government. 威尼斯所具有的一元化的社会阶级结构和多重化的政府体制是其商业长久繁荣的社会基础。 然而,这只是宏观的视野。
- The mistletoe plant is a parasite on trees. 槲寄生是寄生在树上的植物。
- HMM consists of two components : selection of a macroscopic solver on a macroscale grid, and estimating the missing macroscale data by solving locally the fine scale problem. HMM包括两部分的内容:一是在宏观尺度网格上选择一个宏观算法;二是通过解局部的细网格问题来估算未知的宏观尺度数据。所以这一方法的关键:一是如何选择宏观算法;
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- The bolted area of a roadway has been defined as a macroscopic anisotropic continuous medium,and its equivalent mechanical parameters can be gotten from bolting parameters. 将巷道围岩锚固区视为宏观上的各向异性连续介质,由锚杆支护参数确定其等效力学参数,利用快速拉格朗日元法FLAC程序,分析了等效模型与实际模型的巷道变形特点。