- A linguistic form. 语型一种语言学形式
- The indication,as by inflection,of the singularity or plurality of a linguistic form. 数如通过屈折变化对语言形式单数或复数的标示
- The indication, as by inflection, of the singularity or plurality of a linguistic form. 数如通过屈折变化对语言形式单数或复数的标示
- Reference means what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world; it deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and non-linguistic world of experience. 所指是语言形式在现实世界中所指称的东西;涉及语言成分和非语言的经验世界的关系。简单地说,所指是词汇在特定的语境中所指称的具体事物。
- The conceptualist view: that there is no direct link between a linguistic form and what it refers;rather , in the interpretation of meaning they are linked through mediation of concepts in the mind. 意念论人为词汇和该词汇所指的事物之间的关系不是直接的, 而是间接的, 其中介是存在于人的头脑的意念,词汇通过意念来指称事物, 意念便是词汇的意义。
- Professor Cui has a high reputation as a linguist. 崔教授作为语言学家名声很高.
- I used to be a linguist till I become a writer. 过去我是个语言学家, 后来成了作家。
- But you might want to be a linguist too. 但或许你也想成为一个语言学家吧。
- Q.How did you become a linguist? 提问:你如何成为语言学家的?
- He used to be a linguist till he turns writer. 他过去是个语言学家, 后来成了作家。
- The conceptualist view holds that there is no direct link between a linguistic form and what it refers to; 意念论认为,语言形式及其所代表的对象之间(即语言与现实世界之间)没有直接联系;
- The conceptualist view: that there is no direct link between a linguistic form and what it refers;rather , 论是最原始的语义理论,该理论把词看做是该词所指事务的名称或标记。(想一想缺陷在哪里?)
- The conceptualist view holds that there is no direct link between a linguistic form and what it refers to (i.e.,between language and the real world); 意念论认为词汇与该词汇所指的事物之间的关系不是直接的,而是间接的,是靠人脑中的意念来连接的。
- A linguistic element added to a word to produce an inflected or derived form. 单词加上语言要素改变其形式。
- Linguistics used to be an offbeat field, but nowadays every self-respecting university has a linguistics department. 语言学以往是个奇特的领域,可是如今每一所有自尊心的大学都有个语言学系。
- Sense and reference Sense is concerned with the inherent meaning of the linguistic form. 意义是词汇内在的,抽象的游离于语境之外的意义。
- The word is said to be a linguistic unit that has a single meaning. 词被说成是具有单个意义的语言单位。
- Polysemy is the linguistic phenomenon of two or more related meanings with a single linguistic form. 摘要一词多义是指一个词项有两个或两个以上的义项。
- A linguistic description of the process of word formation. 生学构词过程的语学描述
- A linguistic form 语型一种语言学形式