- A light breeze; a rush of air. 一阵微风;一股风
- A light current of air; a gentle wind. 微风,轻风轻微的空气流; 微风
- There was a light breeze a moment ago. 片刻前有一阵微风。
- The clouds are pale and a light breeze is blowing. 云淡风轻。
- A rush of joy pulsed through his body. 一阵喜悦的感觉震动了他的全身。
- She felt a rush of blood to her cheeks. 她觉得血一下子涌到了脸上。
- The news set off a rush of activity. 这消息令人蜂拥而动。
- A light breeze that ruffles small areas of a water surface. 微风使小块水域起皱的微风
- Just about this time there was a rush of orders. 在这个时候,定货特别踊跃。
- Like a rush of pedestrians, from your side through. 像一个匆匆的路人一样,从你的身旁走过。
- She felt a rush of excitement and anticipation. 她突然感到一些兴奋和期待。
- It was finally a remark of Edith's that brought him to his feet in a rush of anger. 最后是伊迪丝的一句话,使他气得一下子站了起来。
- When they got into the boat there was a light breeze blowing . 当他们坐上船时,一阵微风在徐徐吹着。
- The removal of the government's official limits on pay increases has opened the flood gates for a rush of demands for higher wages. 政府取消了对加薪的官方限制,这就是为骤然而来的要求增加工资的潮水打开了闸门。
- A light breeze was blowing,and the ship soon gathered way. 海上吹起微风,船的速度随即加快了。
- If love is a piece of heartrending scenery,I am one piece of lonely fallen leaf.And you ,can you be a light breeze to make me fly in the air? 如果爱是一道令人心伤的风景,我则是林间飘零的一片落叶,而你,会是那让我飞舞的轻风吗?
- The crystal curtains stir when a light breeze descends. 水精帘动微风起
- A light breeze was blowing, and the ship soon gathered way. 海上吹起微风,不久船的速度便增加了。
- A light breeze was blowing, and the ship soon gather way. 海上吹起微风,船的速度随即加快了。
- The rush of air produced by a cough can approach 1000km an hour. 由咳嗽产生的气流速度可达每小时1000公里。