- The blind have a keen sense of touch. 盲人有敏锐的触觉。
- Dogs have a keen sense of smell. 狗的嗅觉很灵敏。
- Unless you deal justly with others you cannot hope either to cultivate an attractive personality or to succeed in your definite major purpose.The essential component of a keen sense of justice is a dedication to intentional honesty. 除非你能以公正的态度对待他人,否则即无法培养出吸引入的个性,而且也无法达到明确目标,正义感的一项不可或缺的根本要素,就是“有意的诚实”。
- Unless you deal justly with others you cannot hope either to cultivate an attractive personality or to succeed in your definite major purpose. The essential component of a keen sense of justice is a dedication to intentional honesty. 除非你能以公正的态度对待他人,否则即无法培养出吸引入的个性,而且也无法达到明确目标,正义感的一项不可或缺的根本要素,就是“有意的诚实”。
- Though advanced in years, he has a keen sense of hearing. 他虽然上了年纪,但听觉十分灵敏。
- They have a keen sense of smell. 他们嗅觉灵敏。
- He and his friend have a keen sense of humor. 他和他的朋友有很强的幽默感。
- The young have a keen sense of the new. 年轻人对新事物有敏锐的感觉。
- Even if a keen sense of justice prevents you from seizing every opportunity, it carries with it a host of practical benefits 即使正义感无法使你抓住每一次的获利的机会,但它却能为你带来下列的实际好处。
- Even if a keen sense of justice prevents you from seizing every opportunity, it carries with it a host of practical benefits: 即使正义感无法使你抓住每一次的获利的机会,但它却 能为你带来下列的实际好处。
- A keen Sense of justice 正义感
- Though advanced in year,he has a keen sense of hearing. 他虽然上了年纪,但听觉十分灵敏。
- Though advanced in year, he have a keen sense of hearing. 他虽然上了年纪,但听觉十分灵敏。
- Has a keen sense of business priorities and adjusts work effort accordingly. 对业务优先权具有敏锐的感觉并据此作出工作调整。
- He is equipped with a deep sense of justice. 他具有深切的正义感。
- It is with a keen sense of urgency that we state our views, and we await your considered opinion. 迫切陈词,愿闻明教。
- Dogs have a keen(= strong)sense of smell. 狗的嗅觉很灵敏。
- It is with a keen sense of urgency that we state our views,and we await your considered opinion. 迫切陈词,愿闻明教。
- Their sense of justice gave them armor against the contempt of others. 他们的正义感保护他们不被别人轻视。
- Hong Kong market trends leadingthe industry with a keen sense of the trend of rapid response. 领先市场趋势香港业者拥有敏锐的潮流触觉,反应迅速。