- You have a golden opportunity to travel and learn. 你有一个旅游和学习的绝好机会。
- It is a pity that he should miss such a golden opportunity. 他竟错过如此大好机会,真可惜。
- Don't waste such a golden opportunity. 不要糟踏这样一个千载难逢的机会。
- He little realizedthat it was a golden opportunity. 他一点也没有意识到这是千载难逢的机会。
- Don't let slip such a golden opportunity. 机会难得,幸勿失之交臂。
- Businesses have a golden opportunity to expand into new markets. 商界有开拓新市场的良机。
- We believe this is a golden opportunity for investment. 我们认为这是投资的绝好机会。
- Don't let a golden opportunity slip through your fingers. 不要白白放过大好时机。
- It means you have a golden opportunity to continue building a relationship. 这意味着您具有继续建立关系的黄金机会。
- You have to take this assignment. Don't pass up a golden opportunity. 你必须接受这个任务。勿失良机。
- He wasted a golden opportunity when he missed from the penalty spot. 他罚点球时没有罚中,浪费了一次好机会。
- Thus, if the army is in disarray, it provides the enemy a golden opportunity to exploit the situation. 一支军队如果自己先乱了阵脚,无疑是提供黄金机会,替敌人打开方便之门。
- A golden opportunity. 千载难逢的机会
- I'm glad your father is coming to dinner,it will be a golden opportunity for me to ask his advice. 你父亲来赴宴我很高兴,这将是我向他请教的好机会。
- Thus,if the army is in disarray,it provides the enemy a golden opportunity to exploit the situation. 一支军队如果自己先乱了阵脚,无疑是提供黄金机会,替敌人打开方便之门。
- An increasing number of foreigners invest in China. A golden opportunity beckons. 越来越多的外商在中国投资。良机在召唤。
- For them the film provides a golden opportunity to get people talking about Christian subjects. 对于他们来说,这部电影提供了一个黄金机会使人们谈论关于基督教的主题。
- I believe that the community now has a golden opportunity to demonstrate our political maturity. 我认为,现时是我们社会展示政治成熟性的黄金机遇。
- It's also a golden opportunity to stock up on White House knick-knacks-pens, notepads and other assorted goodies. 无疑,这样的旅行也是收集一些白宫的装饰性钢笔、便笺和其它异彩缤纷的小玩艺儿的天赐良机。
- The present crisis is a golden opportunity to eliminate this plethora of damaging interventions. 目前的危机是消除众多有害干预措施的黄金机会。