- A deterrent to theft. 对窃贼的威慑物,吓唬窃贼的东西
- His punishment will be a deterrent to others. 惩罚他以儆效尤。
- His punishment will is a deterrent to others. 惩罚他以儆效尤.
- Large fines act as a deterrent to motorists. 高额罚款是对开车的人的制约。
- Hopefully his punishment will act as a deterrent to others. 对他的惩罚有希望能起到杀一儆百的作用。
- The complexity of most civil tax laws is also a deterrent to prosecution. 大部分民事税收法律规范的复杂性也对控诉具有阻碍作用。
- Dockside inspections are a deterrent to illegal fishers. 码头检查对非法渔民是一种威慑。
- I put a net over my strawberries as a deterrent to the birds. 我在草莓上罩了网,免得鸟歇上去。
- We must punish such ill-mannered people as a deterrent to others. 对于这种不文明行为, 我们要罚一儆百!
- The night air is usually cool enough to serve as a deterrent to mold growth. 夜间的空气通常都冷到足以抑制霉菌的生长的程度。
- That illogical qualification shows how flimsy is the argument that capital punishment is a deterrent to murder. 这种不合逻辑的定罪,反映出所谓死刑可以慑止凶杀的论点是多么脆弱。
- Severe punishment is a strong deterrent to crime. 严厉的惩罚是犯罪强力的遏阻方法。
- The night air is usually cool enough to serve as a deterrent to leaf mold growth. 夜间的空气通常都冷到足以抑制霉菌的生长的程度。
- The circumstances and conditions under which population growth becomes a deterrent to economic development is a critical issue. 使得人口增长成为经济发展的制约因素的环境和条件是个关键问题。
- Instead, Erez recommends thinking of security in terms of providing a deterrent to potential thieves. 爱尔兹还推荐,可以考虑一下对窃贼进行心理威慑。
- However, due to the price of wallpaper, there is still a deterrent to its general consumer. 只是,碍于壁纸的价格,仍有普通消费者对其望而却步。
- Tougher prison sentences may act/serve as a deterrent to other would-be offenders. (更重的刑罚或许能成为对其他可能违法者的吓阻力量。)
- To posit that it should act as a spur rather than a deterrent to consolidation of our CARICOM destiny is one thing. 一方面,对于我们CARICOM的前景来说,这应当是一次刺激发展的机遇而不应当做沟堑。
- Cover loss of money due to theft and robbery. 赔偿个人被窃或被抢劫的个人钱财。
- And because a stapled box is difficult to re-close, the staples act as a deterrent to the thief. 并且,钉合的盒子不容易重新封合,所以可以有效地制止小偷。