- A craftsman or an artisan. 工匠,技工
- The skill of a craftsperson or an artisan. 手艺工匠或技工的手艺
- Jerry: Well, what does he do? Is he an artisan, a craftsman, a labourer of some sort? 杰瑞:那他是干啥的?艺术家、手艺人,还是民工?
- a craftsman; an artisan; an artificer; a workman 工匠
- He's apprenticed to a craftsman. 他去跟一名手艺人当学徒。
- Be he a civil engineer or an electrical engineer? 他是土木工程师还是电气工程师?
- He is an artisan in leatherwork. 他是个皮匠。
- Be she a spaniard or an italian? 她是西班牙人还是意大利人?
- A disease or an abnormality of the nervous system. 神经病神经系统的疾病或异常状态下的神经系统
- A disease or an abnormality of a joint. 关节病病变或或畸形的关节
- A salt or an ester of boric acid. 硼酸盐一种硼酸盐或硼酸酯
- The act or an instance of wandering; a stroll. 闲逛徘徊的行为或事例; 闲逛
- Something of circular form; a circle or an orbit. 圆形物体圆形物体; 圆圈或环形轨道
- A medicine or an agent that induces absorption. 吸收剂导致吸收的药品或药剂
- Normal firmness of a tissue or an organ. 健康状态某个组织或器官所具有的正常坚韧性
- When the labourer maintains himself by funds of his own, as when a peasant-farmer or proprietor lives on the produce of his land, or an artisan works on his own account, they are still supported by capital, that is, by funds provided in advance. 当劳动者靠自己的资金为生,当自耕农靠自己的土地产品生活或工匠自立门户工作时,他们依然是靠资本为生,也就是靠预先准备好的资金为生。
- An artisan who fashions objects of gold. 金匠做金制品的手艺人
- A point or an area of traffic congestion. 交通瓶颈交通拥挤的地点或地区
- When the labourer maintains himself by funds of his own,as when a peasant-farmer or proprietor lives on the produce of his land,or an artisan works on his own account,they are still supported by capital,that is,by funds provided in advance. 当劳动者靠自己的资金为生,当自耕农靠自己的土地产品生活或工匠自立门户工作时,他们依然是靠资本为生,也就是靠预先准备好的资金为生。
- A treasury, as of a nation or an organization. 国库,金库一个国家或一个组织的金库