- A cold or icy manner. 冷或冷冰的态度
- You sounded as if you had a cold or something. 你听上去好像得了感冒。
- Penicillin cure catchs a cold or is AIDS effective? 青霉素治疗感冒或者艾滋病有效吗?
- Thyme can be ingested in times of feeling ill with a cold or flu like symptoms. 百里香可以在类似感冒或流感的不适时服用。
- People sometimes mistake allergy symptoms for a cold or sinus infection. 人们有时候错把过敏的症状误认为是感冒或鼻窦炎。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- As a result, the young are more likely to have migraines, catch a cold or become stressed than the over-55s. 所以,年轻人比55岁以上的人更易患偏头痛和感冒,而且更容易焦虑。
- Uses:Temporarily relieves coughs due to minor throat &bronchial irritation occuring with a cold or inhaled irritants. 使用:暂时缓解由于感冒引起的轻微咽喉和支气管发炎的咳嗽或吸入刺激物引起的咳嗽。
- Like a cold or mononucleosis syndrome symptoms of infection, in addition to patients with multiple skin rash appears. 类似感冒或单核细胞增多症的感染症状,此外患者多会出现皮肤疹子。
- Would you like tea or a cold drink? 你喜欢要茶还是要冷饮?
- Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) - Inhaled: helps clear breathing passages.Use during a cold or flu. 尤加利(桉树、玉树):吸入帮助清除呼吸障碍,可用于流感或伤寒。
- But symptoms from a cold or infection only last a couple of weeks, allergy symptoms can last for months. 但一般的感冒或鼻窦炎仅是维持一两个星期,而过敏症状则维持数个月的时间。
- If you have a throat infection , a cold or the flu with coughing, give your vocals a rest for a day or two. 如果你有一个喉咙发炎,感冒或咳嗽感冒,给你的人声为一,两天休息。
- The ink is printed letterpress from either a cold or a heated press from rubber, metal or plastic plates. Also called Carbonising ink. 碳墨用活版施印,加热与否都可以,印版是橡胶版,金属版或塑胶版。亦称碳化墨。
- According to the research, those aged between 18 and 34 are three times more likely to have a cold or flu than the older generation. 该调查表明,18岁至34岁之间的人患感冒或流感的几率为他们父辈的三倍。
- A cold front is moving in from the north. 一股冷锋正从北方向这里移动。
- Or if you have a cold or fear getting one you’ll suddenly see a lot of people sniffle and sneeze on the bus, street and at work. 再比如,如果你得了感冒,或者害怕得感冒,那么不管在公共汽车上,大街上,还是在办公室,你都好像会突然看到一大群人在抽鼻子,打喷嚏。
- He sat in a draught and catch a cold. 他坐在风口上,着凉了。
- Thanks to all the spinach, carrots, mangoes, grapes and other ingredients, David says he hasn't had a cold or the flu in 20 years. 归功于他吃进去所有的那些菠菜,胡萝卜,芒果,葡萄和其他的材料,大卫讲他在过去的20年里没有得过一次感冒。
- It's a cold day when I missed the train. 运气真不好,我没有赶上火车。