- I do not see a world without nuclear weapons. 我还没有看到一个没有核武器的世界。
- We live in a world without constancy. 我们住的世界是没有不变的。
- Have you ever imagined a world without trees? 你曾经想象的世界,没有树木?
- One hardly saves a world without ruling it. 人不能既想拯救世界,又想统治世界。
- What are Shepherds for in a World Without Sheep? 没有群羊的世界,牧者有何用呢?
- Movie A World Without Thieves 天下无贼
- A World Without Thieves 天下无贼
- Simple transactions are destroyed in a world without formalities. 简单的交易在没有规则的世界被摧毁了。
- What the president have in view is a world without nuclear weapons. 总统考虑的是要建立一个没有核武器的世界。
- The dream of a world without war is yet to be fulfilled. 让世界上永远没有战争还只是一个梦想。
- Many people throughout history have dreamt of a world without war. 历史上有很多人梦想过没有战争的世界。
- What the President has in view is a world without nuclear weapons. 总统考虑的是要建立一个没有核武器的世界.
- The dreamof a world without war is yet to be fulfilled. 让世界上永远没有战争还只是一个梦想。
- Imagining a world without the Internet is nearly impossible. 没有互联网的世界几乎难以想象。
- Can you imagine a world without animations and games? 你能想象没有动画和游戏的世界吗?
- How can they grow up in this kind of a world without becoming morally corrupt? 他们怎能在这样的世界成长而保持道德纯洁
- FAO recognizes that it will take teamwork to build a world without hunger. 粮农组织认识到,建设一个没有饥饿的世界需要团队的努力。
- In a world without change or innovation, professions would not be so necessary. 在没有改变和创新的世界里专家将不会如此重要。
- No matter what's going on next, I just want to live in a world without peeper. 不管未来,现在只想活在不被人看穿的世界。
- He drew a world map on a sphere. 他在球上面画了一幅世界地图。