- A Sunrise Beer. 一杯日出啤酒。
- Some Americans haven't seen a sunrise in years. 有些美国人已经多年没见过日出了,
- To gather and wait for a sunrise over the sea. 一起等待海上日出,却还是头一次。
- Geziwo is regarded as one of the vantage points to see a sunrise. 旁白:鸽子窝被称作是观赏日出的胜地之一。
- What could possibly be more astonishing than a sunrise? 有什么比日出更让人惊叹?
- But are you sure it's a sunset. It might be a sunrise. 但是你确定这是幅日落的画吗?倒有可能是日出的呢。
- I changed the background on my computer to a picture of a sunrise. 我把我电脑的背景桌面换成了一张日出图。
- Have a glass of beer to rinse your dinner down. 喝杯啤酒把你吃的晚饭冲下去。
- Geziwo is a vantage point for watching a sunrise or a high tide on the sea. 欣赏:鸽子窝公园是观日出,看海潮的胜地
- All people say visitors to Beidaihe, must see a sunrise over the sea. 旁白:都说海上日出不能不看。这不
- Swallow a glass of beer at one gulp. 一囗气喝下一杯啤酒。
- As a sunrise industry, tourism is an important component of the modern service industry. 作为“朝阳产业”的旅游业是现代服务业的重要组成部分。
- He drank a schooner of beer and became drunken. 他喝了一大酒杯啤酒后醉倒了。
- Exhibition industry is an emerging service industry honored as one of world three non-smoke industries and is a sunrise industry described as weatherglass of local economy. 会展行业,一个被誉为世界三大“无烟产业”之一的新兴服务行业,一个被形象地称作地区经济发展“晴雨表”的朝阳产业。
- OffGamers: RMT is a sunrise industry and we expect to see new competitors emerging everyday trying to get a bite of the pie. 卧虎游戏:虚拟物品现钱交易(RMT)行业是个新兴行业,每一天都不断有新的对手和我们分享这块蛋糕。所谓的竞争压力已完全不是什么新鲜事物。
- Please bring this gentleman a glass of beer. 请给这位先生来杯啤酒。
- All the Loving Stockings collected this Christmas will go to Nantang Village, Anhui Province, where a Sunrise Library is established. Each child will get one Loving Stocking. 所有的爱心礼物将被送到安徽南唐村,启明书社在那里已经设立了一个图书馆。南唐村的每个孩子都将得到一份爱心礼物。
- As a sunrise industry in the 21st century, the recreation fishery has been taken completely and deeply into the developmental plan of fisheries sector in many countries. 摘要休闲渔业作为21世纪水产业的“朝阳产业”,已普遍而又深刻地融入到世界上许多国家的渔业发展规划之中。
- I can use a cold beer right now! 我真想马上喝一杯冰啤酒。
- And you can see, what's happening, is the grenadine syrup is floating down through the drink, giving it kind of the color of a sunrise, and that would be it. 正如你所见,石榴汁糖浆混入饮料中,带来了一种日出的颜色,就是那样。