- A Plea for Civil Rights 争取民权
- The prisoner made a plea for mercy. 囚犯恳求宽恕。
- He wound a plea for money into his letter. 在信中他委婉地表示需要钱
- They addressed to the governor a plea for clemency. 他们向州长提出了宽刑的申辩书。
- Any attempts to bring under the mass movement for civil rights are doomed to failure. 任何镇压民权群众运动的企图都是注定要失败的。
- For advocating nonviolence in the movement for civil rights. 因为主张在民权运动中采取非暴力政策。
- They addressed to the governor a plea for clemency . 他们向州长提交了宽刑的申辨书。
- All citizens are equal as regards their capacity for civil rights. 公民的民事权利能力一律平等。
- Plea---noun, The hospital sent out a plea for blood-donors. 医院向社会呼吁公民义务献血。
- The counsel for the plaintiff closed his case with a plea for damages. 原告律师用提出赔偿损失费来结束。
- It was less a plea for immediate action than for an affirmation of purpose. 这并不在于要求它立即采取行动,而是要求确认它的意图。
- That the Japanese man who killed 12 school boys entered a plea for not guilty. 那个杀死12个小学生的日本男人恳求无罪
- Government has great responsibilities for public safety and public health,for civil rights and common schools. 对公共安全和大众健康,对民权和学校教育,政府都应负有极大的责任。
- The overall impression left by the review is a plea for continued support. 复查得出的总体看法是仍然继续请求支持。
- Paul Robeson was recognized around the world for his fight for civil rights for black Americans. 保罗.;罗伯逊由于为美国黑人争取人权而歌唱,受到了全世界的赞誉。
- Seck, M. (1990). A plea for human rights education in Africa. Human rights law journal, 11, pp.283-299. 薛玉莲(2002)。人权教育融入国小教学历程之研究。国立台北师范学院课程与教学研究所:未出版之硕士论文。
- Government has great responsibilities for public safety and public health, for civil rights and common schools. 对公共安全和大众健康,对民权和学校教育,政府都应负有极大的责任。
- The accused entered a plea of "not guilty". 被告作了“无罪”的抗辩。
- In entering into a contract, the parties shall have the appropriate capacities for civil rights and civil acts. 当事人订立合同,应当具有相应的民事权利能力和民事行为能力。
- He was awarded the peace Nobal Prize of 1964 for advocating nonviolence policy in the movement for civil rights. 他因为在主张民权运动中采取非暴力政策而被授予1964年诺贝尔和平奖。