- 高速转弯很危险.It's dangerous to go round corners at speed.
- 高速转弯很危险。It's dangerous to go round corners at speed.
- 这被我们称作平行式高速转弯。This is what we call parallel Christiania.
- 这车转弯很灵活。The car corners well.
- 高速转弯时,我都能感觉到车厢在倾斜。I could feel the sway of the carriage as we turned the bend at high speed.
- 危险danger
- 这条路转弯很急。The road curved sharply.
- 高速转弯是相当危险的。It's rather dangerous to corner at speed.
- 很久a month of Sundays
- 这种动作称作高速转弯。That is called Christiania turn.
- 很大的prodigiouss
- 在浓雾天驾车很危险。It is dangerous to drive in a thick fog.
- 在湖中薄冰上行走是很危险的。It is dangerous to walk on thin ice in a lake.
- 麻疹会很危险。The measles can be very dangerous.
- 这罪犯很危险,为了逃避再次被送进监狱,他什么都干得出来。The criminal is dangerous and will stop at nothing to avoid being sent back to prison.
- 一个缺乏机智的外交部长是个很危险的人物。A minister of foreign affairs who lacks tact is a dangerous man.
- 野兽一旦陷于绝境就会变得很危险。The animal is dangerous when cornered.
- 这会很危险吗?Can this be very dangerous?
- 当你在高速公路上爆胎时,那是很危险的。It is very dangerous when you get a flat tire on the freeway.
- 做投机买卖是很危险的。It's dangerous to speculate.