- 莱普索尔Repsol YPF
- 萘普索naproxol
- 尔so
- 雷普顿lepton
- 索isolated
- 迅雷sudden peal of thunder
- 普popular
- 雷普合成Reppe synthesis
- 卡吕普索土星的卫星,是该行星的第十远的卫星。The satellite of Saturn that is tenth in distance from the planet.
- 波尔bohr
- 雷普堤虫属Leptinillus
- 首尔Seoul
- 雷诺Renault
- 卡吕普索土星的卫星,是该行星的第十远的卫星The satellite of Saturn that is tenth in distance from the planet.
- 阿散索尔Asansol
- 雷普科纺纱机Repco spinner
- 俄国因亚历山大·索尔仁尼琴写政治小说而将他流放。Russia exiled Alexander So1zhenitsyn for writing political novels.
- 雷普科牌手表Repco
- 卡吕普索海之女神,她将奥德修斯困在她的俄吉吉亚岛上七年A sea nymph who delayed Odysseus on her island,Ogygia,for seven years.
- 杞奴索尔chinosol