- 邻近的人都喜爱她。She is liked by the whole neighbourhood.
- 邻近的人都喜爱她.She is liked by the whole neighbourhood.
- 马上整个教堂乒乒乓乓响成一片。 每个人都对他邻近的人动起手来。Presently the whole chapel resounded with rappings and counter-rappings: every man's hand was against his neighbour;
- 小女孩那妩媚的微笑使所有的人都喜爱她。The little girl's charming smiles endeared her to all the people.
- 他们的蜜月旅行是到邻近的一个城镇去看一个谋害妻子的人接受绞刑。Their bridal tour had been to a neighbouring town to see a man hanged for murdering his wife.
- 美国和国会都喜爱好莱坞,因为好莱坞是惹人爱的。America and Congress love Hollywood, because Hollywood is lovable.
- 去年我返乡探亲,惊讶地发现小村和村里的人都发生了变化。Last year I returned home and was surprised to find both the village and the people completely changed.
- 班太太看到尼日斐花园的一家人都非常喜爱她的大女儿。Mrs. Bennet had seen her eldest daughter much admired by the Netherfield party.
- 全食堂的人都突然笑了起来。The whole mess burst out laughing.
- 整个邻近地区的人都在找她。Whole neighborhood was out searching for her.
- 不是所有的人都能成为商人。Every one cannot become businessman.
- 如来你们使产品质量下降,我将把你们所有的人都解雇掉。If you let the quality of the products down. I'll dismiss all of you.
- 班太太看到尼日斐花园的一家人都这么喜爱她的大女儿,觉得非常得意。Mrs. Bennet had seen her eldest daughter much admired by the Netherfield party.
- 马上整个教堂乒乒乓乓响成一片。每个人都对他邻近的人动起手来。Presently the whole chapel resounded with rappings and counter-rappings: every man's hand was against his neighbour;
- 飞机上的人都很着急,而且我们急于想了解出了什么事。Everybody on board was worried and we were curious to find out what had happened.
- 在近处听得到的人都知道了她对约翰的看法。Everyone within earshot soon knew her opinion of John.
- 那位领导人很有天赋,能使团体中最持怀疑态度的人都充满热情。The leader had the gift of being able to infuse enthusiasm into the most skeptical member of the group.
- 我佩服她,见过她的人都佩服她。”I adore her and so does everyone who meets her.
- 我认识的人都投戴维的票,我多半也会随大流而这样做。All the people I know are voting for David; I shall probably go with the stream and do the same.
- 她对所有的人都友善。She is friendly to everybody.