- 那木头已完全朽了.The wood has rotted away completely.
- 那木头上的红标记已根深蒂固了,你永远也弄不掉。The red mark in that wood is in the grain, you'll never get it out.
- 那which
- 木头已经朽了,用手指一戳竟是一个窟窿。The wood is so rotten you can put your finger through it.
- 完全whole
- 那木头片的长度应该达到手帕的四个角。The pieces should be just long enough to reach the comers of the handkerchief.
- 木头已经朽了, 用手指一#就是一个窟窿.The wood was so rotten you could put your finger through it.
- 上次选举以来,公众舆论对税收问题的看法已完全改变了。Since the last election public opinion has swung round completely on the question of taxes.
- 在跷跷板附近,我看见一个锯子把那木头锯成四段。Near the seesaw I saw a saw saw the wood into four.
- 那种the sort of
- 倒在地上的树不久就朽了。A fallen tree soon rots .
- 他已完全复元。He was completely restored.
- 你那木头脑瓜什么时候才会明白我不想再见到你呢?When will you get it into your thick head that I don't want to see you again!
- 他坐在一条木凳上,靠着一个朽了的葡萄架,穿过那些果树的瘦弱蜷屈的暗影,仰望群星。He seated himself on a wooden bench, with his back against a decrepit vine,he gazed at the stars, past the puny and stunted silhouettes of his fruit-trees.
- 哈里已完全弃恶从善了。Harry has completely reformed.
- 他们没有买那座房子,因为房子的木料已经干朽了。They didn't buy the house because it had dry rot.
- 旧港现在已完全被淤泥堵塞了。The old harbor is now all silted up.
- 那所房子太旧,已经朽了,不久就要倒塌。The house was so old that it was decaying and about to fall down.
- 她已完全绝望。She was overcome by despair.
- 到这时候,他已完全没有耐心了。By the time his patience had completely run out.