- 那个囚犯向神父忏悔.The prisoner confessed to the priest.
- 那个罪犯向神父忏悔他的罪行。The criminal confessed his guilt to the priest
- 亚瑟向神父忏悔。Arthur confessed to the priest.
- 囚犯向狱长申请假释。The prisoner applied to the governor for parole.
- 罪犯向神父忏悔。The criminal confessed to the priest.
- 他们挫败了该囚犯向同谋们传话的每一个企图。They frustrated every effort the prisoner made at getting word to his confederates
- 那个囚犯一声不吭地坐着,没说任何为自己辩护的话。The prisoner sat mute, offering nothing in his own defence.
- 忏悔向神父忏悔自己的罪行To disclose one's sins to a priest.
- 囚犯a prisoner
- 忏悔confess
- 内向diffidence
- 他解开了囚犯身上绑着的绳子, 那个囚犯跳起来就跑了。He loosed the ropes that bound the prisoner, thus allowing him to jump up and escape.
- 内向的introrse
- 那个囚犯从篱笆上的破洞爬了出去。The prisoner wormed out through a hole in the fence.
- 他死前向神父忏悔。He confessed to the priest before he died.
- 轴向axial direction
- 那个囚犯脸上绝望的、惊恐的表情;她那惊恐的眼睛中的忧惧的光the hopeless hunted look on the prisoner's face; a glitter of apprehension in her hunted eyes
- 正向positive direction
- 去向trace
- 杀人犯去向神父忏悔,以求良心能得到些许安慰。The murderer went to confess to a priest in order to ease his conscience to a certain extent.